The management of remote renderer is supported from the Management Console. You can additionally use the command line interface by launching the command prompt in the Run as administrator mode and executing the iPrntRendCmd command for the following operations:
Command |
Description |
-h | --help |
Shows the various available commands with their syntax. |
-v | --version |
Shows the current version of the remote renderer. |
-c | --configureservice |
Configures the remote renderer service for the specified user. It also provides the option of choosing between secure and non-secure communication mode with the iPrint Appliance. |
-u | --unregisterrenderer <iPrint Appliance server Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP address> |
Unregisters the remote renderer from the iPrint Appliance server. Afterward, the remote renderer stops accepting jobs from the iPrint Appliance server for conversion. The iPrint Rendering service is running, but does not receive rendering jobs from the iPrint Appliance server. |
-rt | --reregisterrenderer <iPrint Appliance server Fully Qualified Domain Name or IP address> |
Installs both self-signed and unsigned drivers for remote renderers. |
-s | --rendererstatus |
Displays the status of the iPrint Windows Rendering service. |
-l | --launchrenderer |
Starts the iPrint Windows Rendering service. After registration, the rendering service starts automatically. |
-q |--stoprenderer |
Stops the iPrint Windows Rendering service. |
-t | --testconverttops <input file location> <output file location> |
Tests the conversion locally. |
-ls | --listservers |
Lists the iPrint Appliance registered with the remote renderer. |