B.17 RAVVIEW (Linux)

The Rebuild and Verify View (RAVVIEW) utility displays specified rebuild or verify log files in human-readable format. The log files are generated by the Rebuild and Verify Simple User Interface (RAVSUI, ravsui(8)) utility.

You must log in as the root user to run this utility. If the specified pool is active when you run the utility, the ZIDs of files that appear in the log are converted to their /pathname/filename format so that they are more easily understood by the reader.

B.17.1 Syntax

ravview [OPTION]... rtf filename
ravview [OPTION]... [NOPTION]... rtfn poolname
ravview [OPTION]... [VOPTION]... vbf filename
ravview [OPTION]... [NOPTION]... [VOPTION]... vbfn poolname

Poolnames and filenames are case sensitive on Linux.

B.17.2 Arguments

The first mandatory argument specifies the type of log file you want to view. This can be rtf, rtfn, vbf, or vbfn. The second argument specifies information about the log you want to view.

IMPORTANT:In the raw log files, files that were acted upon are identified by their ZIDs, not the path and filename. If the pool that was rebuilt or verified is active when you view its log, the utility converts each ZID to display the path and filename instead.

First Argument


Second Argument


Specifies that you want to view a rebuild text file. You must specify the filename of the log you want to view. The utility displays any messages that occurred during the rebuild.



Specifies that you want to view the newest rebuild text file in a specified path for a specified poolname. Specify the path to the logs by using the -P=PATH option. The utility displays any messages that occurred during the rebuild.



Specifies that you want to view a verify binary file. You must specify the filename of the log you want to view. The utility converts the binary file into a human-readable format.



Specifies that you want to view the newest verify binary file in a specified path for a specified poolname. Specify the path to the logs by using the -P option. The utility converts the binary file into a human-readable format.


Replace filename with the path and name of the log file for the rebuild or verify process that you want to view.

Replace poolname with the name of the NSS pool that was rebuilt or verified.

B.17.3 Options

This section describes the OPTION, VOPTION, and NOPTION options available for the RAVVIEW utility. Mandatory arguments for long options are mandatory for short options too.


General options can be used for viewing rebuild or verify logs. Use them in combination with any of the rtf, rtfn, vbf, or vbfn arguments.



-h, --help

Displays help information and exits.

-V, --verbose=LEVEL

Controls the amount of output.

-v, --version

Displays version information and exits.


VOPTIONs are available only for viewing the verify binary files. Use them in combination with the vbf or vbfn arguments.



-a, --actions

Displays action information.

-H, --histograms

Displays histograms.

-o, --object-details

Displays object details.


NOPTIONS are available for viewing the newest log for a specified pool. Use this option in combination with the rtfn and vbfn arguments.



-P, --path=PATH

Specifies the path to RAV files.

Default: /var/opt/novell/log/nss/rav/

B.17.4 Files


The Rebuild and Verify View utility file.


The default location of the log file for the Rebuild and Verify Simple User Interface (RAVSUI, ravsui(8)) utility’s rebuild or verify actions. The path is the directory where the file is stored and does not include the filename itself.

You can specify a different path for the log file by using the -P=PATH option. This should be the same path that you used when you ran the RAVSUI utility.

B.17.5 Note

In the raw log files, files that were acted upon are identified by their ZIDs, not the path and name of the file. If the pool that was rebuilt or verified is active when you view its log, the RAVVIEW utility converts each ZID to display the path and filename instead.

B.17.6 Example

Log in as the root user, then open a terminal console.

At the terminal prompt, start NSSCON by entering


View the newest rebuilt text file for POOL1 by entering

ravview -V -P=/var/opt/novell/log/nss/rav/ rtfn POOL1

In this command, the RAVVIEW utility uses the newest rebuild log in the /var/opt/novell/log/nss/rav/ directory for POOL1.