B.17 map-users

Use this utility to generate a user map after specifying the necessary match type, context and so on.

B.17.1 Syntax


map-users -u <specify the user map name> -a <eDirectory Username> -w <eDirectory password> -s <eDirectory Server IP> -p <eDirectory Connection Port> -l -c <eDirectory context> -st -t <specify the match type as user2user, group2group, or container2group> -m <specify the matching attribute as cn2sam> -A <AD username> -W <AD user password> -S <specify the AD server IP> -P <specify the AD server connection port> -L -C <specify the Active Directory context> -ST

B.17.2 Options

-u, --usermap-file <user map file name>

Specify the name of the user map. After a successful execution of the map-users command the user map file is saved with the name that you specify here.

-a, --user <eDirectory username>

Specify the eDirectory username to connect to NURM.

-w, --password <eDirectory user password>

Specify the eDirectory user password.

-s, --server-ip <eDirectory server IP>

Specify the name IP of the eDirectory server.

-p, --port <eDirectory server connection port>

Specify the port number to be used to connect to the eDirectory server.

-c, --context <specify the eDirectory server context>

Specify the eDirectory server context. For example, ou=users,o=novell.

-st --subtree-search

Use this option if you would like to consider all the users in the subtree.

-t, --match-type <specify the match type>

Specify the user match type. For example, user2user, group2group, or container2group.

-m, --matching-attribute <attributes>

Specify the match attributes. For example, cn2sam. As of now only cn2sam is supported.

-A, --USER <specify the AD user name>

Specify username of the AD user.

-W, --PASSWORD <AD user password>

Specify the AD user password.

-S, --SERVER-IP <specify the AD server IP>

Specify the IP address of the AD server that you would like to connect to.

-P, --PORT <specify the AD server connection port>

Specify connection port with which you would like to connect to the AD server.


Use this option if you would like a secure connection to the AD server.

-C, --CONTEXT <specify the AD server context>

Specify AD server context.


Use this option if you would like to consider all the users in the subtree.

-h, --help

Displays the usage information of the command.

B.17.3 Examples

  1. For an interactive user map generation, use the following command and follow the on screen instructions:


  2. To map users by providing all the arguments:

    map-users -u mkt-usr-map -a root -w pa55word -s -p 636 -l -c ou=users,o=mkt -st -t user2user -m cn2sam -A Administrator -W Pa55word@@ -S -P 636 -L -C cn=users,dc=acme,dc=com -ST

    This command creates a user map with the following details:

    • Saves the user map as “mkt-usr-map”

    • Connects to the eDirectory server ( with root credentials, context as ou=users,o=mkt, match type as user to user, matching attributes as CN to SAM, and searches the entire subtree while generating the user map. The connection type used is SSL using port 636.

    • Connects to the AD server ( using the administrative credentials, context as cn=users,dc=acme,dc=com, and searches the entire subtree while generating the user map. The connection type used is SSL using port 636.