Updating Kerberos LDAP Extension Information

You can update the ldapExtensionInfo attribute on the LDAP server object using the kdb5_util utility as follows:

kdb5_util [-D user_dn [-w passwd]] [-h ldap_server] 
[-p ldap_port] [-t trusted_cert]

ldapxtn_info -add|-clear [-t trusted_cert]

For example:

kdb5_util -D cn=admin,o=org -h ldap-server1.mit.edu -p 636 ldapxtn_info -add

Table 34. ldapxtn_info Parameter Description

Parameter Description


Distinguished name of the user who has sufficient rights to authenticate to the LDAP server.


Specifies the userdn password. This is not recommended.


Host name or IP Address of the server hosting LDAP service for a Kerberos realm.


SSL port number of the LDAP server.


Specifies the filename that contains Trusted Root Certificate of the LDAP server.


Adds Kerberos LDAP extension information (OIDs for Kerberos LDAP Extensions) to ldapExtensionInfo on the LDAP server object.


Removes Kerberos LDAP extension information (OIDs for Kerberos LDAP Extensions) from ldapExtensionInfo on the LDAP server object.