11.2 Retiring or Unretiring Devices

If you retire a workstation device, the selected device is retired from the ZENworks zone. Retiring a device is different from deleting a device. When you retire a device, the device GUID is retained. However, when you delete a device, the device GUID is also deleted. Also when a device is retired, all bundle assignments are retained. A retired device is in a holding state until you unretire or delete the device. If you unretire the device in the future, its assignments are restored. You can retire only the managed devices. For more information, see Retiring or Unretiring Devices.

NOTE:If you select Action > Unregister Device on a Mac MDM enrolled device, no action is performed on the MDM profile, but the device is deleted. To remove the MDM profile, you can use the Unenroll MDM Device Now quick task.