ZISWIN switches and functionality

  • 3302285
  • 30-Oct-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 11Configuration Management
Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management - ZfD7
Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management - ZfD6.5
Novell ZENworks for Desktops 4 - ZFD4
Novell ZENworks Imaging


ZISWIN switches and functionality


The following are a list of ZISWIN command line switches that can facilitate install and removal of the ZENworks Imaging Service.

"ZISWIN.EXE /install" will add the String Value "System" with a Value Data of ZISWIN.EXE to the registry location that will execute it during the bootup sequence. On Win7 and NT platforms, this location is HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon. On WinXP platforms, this location is HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

"ZISWIN.EXE /remove" will remove the Value Data of ZISWIN.EXE from the same registry location.

The following is a list of supported registry values that will customize the execution of the ZENworks Imaging Agent (ZISWIN). These settings are unsupported with ZENworks 4.x - see the online documentation for information on the supported registry values
All of these registry keys can be enabled in the following locations:

ZDM  - HKLM\Software\Novell\ZENworks
ZCM 10.0.x - 10.2.2  - HKLM\Software\Novell\ZENworks
ZCM 10.3.x or later  - HKLM\Software\Novell\ZCM
ZCM on Win7 64-bit - HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Novell\ZCM\
ZCM on Win7 32-bit - HKLM\Software\Novell\ZCM\

"ZISWIN Clear" - When this STRING VALUE is set to 1, ZISWIN will clear all the values in Image Safe Data and then will exit without doing any other work.

"ZISWIN Disabled" - When this STRING VALUE is set to 1, ZISWIN will exit without doing any work.

"ZISWIN Reset Flag" - When this STRING VALUE is set to 1, ZISWIN will turn off the'Just Imaged' flag inside Image Safe Data to FALSE and then will exit without doing any other work.

"ZISWIN Do Not Restore Mask" - Use this DWORD value to specify Image Safe Data components that you do not want ZISWIN to restore to the Windows registry upon successful completion of an image. This value is interpreted as a mask (as seen in the below list), with each of the component receiving one bit in the mask. To stop the restore of one item, specify it's corresponding mask as the value in the registry. To stop the restore of multiple items, add the masks together and the sum will be the value defined in the registry. (make sure that you count like this - 123456789ABCDEF for each bit).
"ZISWin SYSPrep Restore Mask" - The mask value depends on the field you want to mask which is the same as mentioned below.  To stop the restore of one item, specify it's corresponding mask as the value in the registry. To stop the restore of multiple items, add the masks together and the sum will be the value defined in the registry. (make sure that you count like this - 123456789ABCDEF for each bit).

Use "ZISWin SYSPrep Restore Mask" instead of "ZISWin Do Not Restore Mask" when we use sysprep and want to mask the Image Safe Data components values from getting restored. Zisdservice/ Ziswin will check the value of "ZISWin SYSPrep Restore Mask" and NOT the one under "ZISWin Do Not Restore Mask" the first time when it runs after sysprep process has finished.  In other scenarios, where we are not using sysprep, value of "ZISWin Do Not Restore Mask" will be used by Zisdservice/ Ziswin.

Note: ZISWin SYSPrep Restore Mask is not set by the ZISWIN GUI. This registry entry must be entered directly with regedit.

Workstation Distinguished Name - 0x00000001
Workstation Tree - 0x00000002
NetBios Name - 0x00000004
Workgroup - 0x00000008
IP address - 0x00000010
SID - 0x00000020
DNS - 0x00000100
Workstation ID 0x00000200

Here are some common scenarios and example usages of the ZISWIN Do Not Restore Mask:

Windows Domain environment - Since ZISWIN currently does not handle adding workstations to the domain, the administrator is left having to addthe workstation to the domain somehow. SYSPREP can add the workstation to the domain, so all the administrator will need to do is tell ZISWIN to restore everything but the Workgroup. To do this, the value of this registry key would be 0x00000008.

DHCP environment - Administrators who push their IP and DNS configuration through DHCP do not need ZISWIN to restore this information from Image Safe Data. To not restore these two components, the value of this registry key would be 0x00000110.

SYSPREP naming convention - Administrators could have some process (running during the mini-setup that SYSPREP performs) that names the NetBios name of the computer. Since ZISWIN runs after SYSPREP, there could be a case where ZISWIN is renaming the workstation (to its original name) after the proper name was determined during the SYSPREP routine. To have ZISWIN not restore the NetBios name of a workstation, the value of this registry key would be 0x00000004.

If your environment has all 3 of the above mentioned configurations, then you would add the 4 components mask together and the value of this registry key would be 0x0000011C.

If your environment needs only the Workstation Object, ID, and Tree to be restored after imaging, you would add up all the other components mask, and the resulting registry value would be 0x0000013C

If your environment does not need anything restored by ZISWIN, the value can then be set to 0x0000033F.

"ZISWIN Do Not Collect Mask" - Use this DWORD value to specify what components you do not want ZISWIN to collect inside of Image Safe Data. Use the same components mask as mentioned above.

"ZISWIN Clear Mask" - Use this DWORD value to specify what components you wish to clear out of Image Safe Data during ZISWIN's execution. When ZISWIN writes to Image Safe Data, these specified values will be cleared out. Use the same component mask as mentioned above.

Additional Information

Formerly known as TID# 10081392