Security Services installation fails showing NMAS version 0.

  • 3004483
  • 07-Jun-2006
  • 13-Feb-2017


Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 5
Novell Security Services 2.0.1
Novell Modular Authentication Service (NMAS) version 3.1.0


When trying to install Security Services 2.0.1 (ssp201.tgz) the installation fails saying that the version of NMAS is 0.

When trying to install Security Services 2.0.1 (ssp201.tgz) the installation fails saying that the version of the Operating System is 0.


In some rare cases the products.dat file has been corrupted or lost, or does not have entries for some components of the OS.  If this is the case you can add those entries back in a number of ways.  The simplest way for the problems mentioned above are to run the following commands which add entries for NMAS and SPACK made for OES SP2 or NetWare 6.5.5:

prodsync add NMAS 0 2.4.0
prodsync add NMAS 1 "Novell Modular Authentication Service v240"

prodsync add SPACK 0 6.5.5
prodsync add SPACK 1 "v5.0 Support Pack for NetWare 6.5"
With those added the SSP 2.0.1 patch should apply properly unless there are other missing dependencies.  If there are others you can copy the products.dat file from a server with the same configuration (preferably the exact same configuration) or you can add the desired entries by copying them from another server.  This involves using the prodsync command as shown above twice; the first time is for the version and the second time is for a description.

This has been submitted as an enhancement request for future releases of Novell Security Services and has been resolved with version 2.0.3