NMAS error codes

  • 3987489
  • 23-May-2007
  • 06-Jul-2020




NMAS error codes


Decimal ValueHexadecimal ValueNameDescription
-0NMAS_SUCCESSThe requested function completed successfully.
-16310xFFFFF9A1NMAS_E_FRAG_FAILUREIndicates that the NMASTM NCPTM handler failed.
-16320xFFFFF9A0NMAS_E_BAD_REQUEST_SYNTAXIndicates that the NMAS NCP handler failed.
-16330xFFFFF99FNMAS_E_BUFFER_OVERFLOWBuffer passed to MAF_GetAttribute is not large enough to store the requested data.
-16340xFFFFF99ENMAS_E_SYSTEM_RESOURCESMessage returned when NMAS server fails to obtain information from NICI about encryption keys.
-16350xFFFFF99DNMAS_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORYThe NMAS server failed to allocate memory for some system use.
-16360xFFFFF99CNMAS_E_NOT_SUPPORTEDIndicates that the login request operation is not supported by the current configuration of NMAS. The error might be returned if the NMAS Client and the NMAS Server versions are not the same. It also might be returned if a login method that does not support the disconnected login is invoked when in the disconnected mode.
-16370xFFFFF99BNMAS_E_BUFFER_UNDERFLOWThe packet size specified in the NMAS packet is larger than the actual size of the packet.
-16380xFFFFF99ANMAS_E_NOT_FOUNDThis error might be returned if an object does not exist for the requested username and context.
-16390xFFFFF999NMAS_E_INVALID_OPERATIONIndicates that an NMAS internal error has occurred, caused by the NMAS protocol getting out of order.
-16400xFFFFF998NMAS_E_ASN1_DECODEFailed to decode NMAS internal structures in a signed module.
-16410xFFFFF997NMAS_E_ASN1_ENCODEFailed to encode NMAS internal structures.
-16420xFFFFF996NMAS_E_LOGIN_FAILEDIndicates that the secret (for example password) presented by the user is invalid.
-16430xFFFFF995NMAS_E_INVALID_PARAMETERAn invalid parameter was passed to the NMAS function.
-16440xFFFFF994NMAS_E_TIMED_OUT_RECOVERABLEThe Client or the server failed to respond in a timely manner. The calling software has the option to retry the request if this error occurs.
-16450xFFFFF993NMAS_E_TIMED_OUT_NOT_RECOVERABLEThe Client or the server failed to respond in a timely manner. The calling software does not have the option to retry the request if this error occurs.
-16460xFFFFF992NMAS_E_TIMED_OUT_UNKNOWNThe Client or the server failed to respond in a timely manner. The calling software does not have the option to retry the request if this error occurs.
-16470xFFFFF991NMAS_E_AUTH_FAILUREThe creation of eDirectoryTM background authentication materials failed.
-16480xFFFFF990NMAS_E_INVALID_DNInvalid user distinguished name specified for login.
-16490xFFFFF98FNMAS_E_NO_RESOLVE_DNNMAS was not able to resolve the specified user distinguished name.
-16510xFFFFF98DNMAS_E_NO_CRYPTOThe Client and server did not negotiate a session key to be used for MAF_XRead, MAF_XWrite, or MAF_XWriteRead.

1) Indicates that the NMAS Client and NMAS Server versions are incompatible.
2) Indicates that the NMAS method and the NMAS Server versions are incompatible.

-16530xFFFFF98BNMAS_E_SYNC_NEEDEDIndicates there is a problem with the SASDFM key exchange being used.
-16540xFFFFF98ANMAS_E_PROTOCOL_STATEIndicates that the Client or server failed for an unknown reason.
-16550xFFFFF989NMAS_E_INVALID_HANDLEThe NMAS Handle (also known as NMAS_ID) passed to the NMAS function is invalid.
-16560xFFFFF988NMAS_E_INVALID_METHOD1) NMAS Server failed to validate the signature of a method.
2) The module size encoded in the signed portion of the method is larger than code read from eDirectory.
-16580xFFFFF986NMAS_E_MISSING_KEYThe key attribute for the Login Configuration attribute or the Login Secret attribute is missing or corrupt.
-16590xFFFFF985NMAS_E_ACCESS_NOT_ALLOWEDIndicates that the user does not have sufficient rights to perform the requested operation.
-16600xFFFFF984NMAS_E_SEQUENCE_NOT_FOUNDThe specified NMAS login sequence is invalid.
-16610xFFFFF983NMAS_E_CLEARANCE_NOT_FOUNDThe specified NMAS login clearance is invalid.
-16620xFFFFF982NMAS_E_LSM_NOT_FOUNDAn LSM specified in a login sequence is not available for the server platform.
An LCM specified in a login sequence is not available for the Client platform.
-16640xFFFFF980NMAS_E_SERVER_NOT_FOUNDThe specified server was not found during NMAS login.
-16650xFFFFF97FNMAS_E_LOGIN_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUNDThe login secret for a particular login method is not available; for example, password not set, fingerprint or biometric data not available.
-16660xFFFFF97ENMAS_E_LEGACY_INVALID_PASSWORDIf a Client doesn't find an NMAS server, it tries the legacy NDS® login method and returns this message if the password fails.
-16670xFFFFF97DNMAS_E_ACCOUNT_DISABLEDA user account has been disabled as a result of intruder detection or administrator action.
-16680xFFFFF97CNMAS_E_ACCOUNT_LOCKEDA user account has been locked as a result of intruder detection.
-16690xFFFFF97BNMAS_E_ADDRESS_RESTRICTIONViolation of approved login addresses that are registered on the user object.
-16700xFFFFF97ANMAS_E_CONN_CLEAREDIndicates .loss of connection to the server.
-16710xFFFFF979NMAS_E_TIME_RESTRICTIONViolations of time restrictions that are set on the user object for logging in to a server.
-16730xFFFFF977NMAS_E_NO_NMAS_ON_TREENMAS is not installed in the specified tree. This typically occurs when using the method management API.
-16740xFFFFF976NMAS_E_NO_NMAS_ON_SERVERNMAS is not installed on the specified server. This typically occurs when using the method management API.
-16750xFFFFF975NMAS_E_REQUEST_CHALLENGEDThe normal error code returned from a proxy LCM to indicate that a challenge was requested by the LSM.
-16760xFFFFF974NMAS_E_LOGIN_CANCELEDThe normal error code returned to NMAS from a method if the user cancelled the login from a LCM.
-16790xFFFFF971NMAS_E_SMC_NICMNot used.
-16800xFFFFF970NMAS_E_SEQUENCE_NOT_AUTHORIZEDAlthough a login sequence is valid, the requested user is not authorized to use it to log in.
-16810xFFFFF96FNMAS_E_TRANSPORTA transport callback routine was not provided to the NMAS Client.
-16820xFFFFF96ENMAS_E_CRYPTO_FAILED_INITA rare cryptography initialization error that can occur because of a failure in the framework of the host computer.
-16830xFFFFF96DNMAS_E_DOUBLEBYTE_FAILED_INITA rare initialization error that can occur because of a failure in the framework of the host computer.
-16840xFFFFF96CNMAS_E_CODEPAGE_FAILED_INITA rare initialization error that can occur because of a failure in the framework of the host computer.
-16850xFFFFF96BNMAS_E_UNICODE_FAILED_INITA rare initialization error that can occur because of a failure in the framework of the host computer.
-16860xFFFFF96ANMAS_E_DLL_FAILED_LOADINGNMAS Client failed to load.
-16870xFFFFF969NMAS_E_EVAL_VERSION_WARNINGIndicates that the NMAS Evaluation Edition is being used to log in.
-16880xFFFFF968NMAS_E_CONCURRENT_LOGINViolation of the number of workstations that a user can log in to concurrently, as assigned by the network administrator.
-16890xFFFFF967NMAS_E_THREAD_CREATEAn internal error seen primarily on NetWare 6 when NMAS fails to create a thread.
-16900xFFFFF966NMAS_E_SECURE_CHANNEL_REQUIREDSSL was not used when attempting to administer NMAS through the NMAS LDAP extension functions.
-16910xFFFFF965NMAS_E_NO_DEFAULT_USER_SEQUENCEA login sequence was not specified during login and the user does not have a default login sequence.
-16920xFFFFF964NMAS_E_NO_TREENAMENMAS was unable to get the tree name from eDirectory.
-16930xFFFFF963NMAS_E_MECH_NOT_FOUNDThe specified Simple Authentication Security Layer (SASL) mechanism is not available.
-16940xFFFFF962NMAS_E_ACCOUNT_NOT_ACTIVATEDThe account has been created but the date and time that the account can be activated has not been reached.
-16950xFFFFF961NMAS_E_INCOMPATIBLE_LOGIN_DATAThe stored login data cannot be used by the login method to validate the user. For example, if the password is stored as a digest value, such as SHA-1 and the DIGEST-MD5 login method is used to log in, the login fails with this error
-16960xFFFFF960NMAS_E_PASSWORD_HISTORY_FULLThe password change failed because the password history for the user cannot store any more passwords.
-16970xFFFFF95FNMAS_E_INVALID_SPM_REQUESTThe requested password operation is invalid.
-16980xFFFFF95ENMAS_E_PASSWORD_MISMATCHThe password change failed because the old password provided by the user does not match the user's current password.
-16990xFFFFF95DNMAS_E_OBSOLETE_METHODAn attempt to update the login method failed because the current version is newer.
-160000xFFFFC180NMAS_E_PASSWORD_TOO_LONGThe password change or set request failed because the password is longer than allowed by the password policy.
0xFFFFC17FNMAS_E_PASSWORD_UPPER_MINThe password change or set request failed because the password does not contain the minimum number of uppercase characters required by the password policy.
-160020xFFFFC17ENMAS_E_PASSWORD_UPPER_MAXThe password change or set request failed because the password contains more than the maximum number of uppercase characters allowed by the password policy.
-160030xFFFFC17DNMAS_E_PASSWORD_LOWER_MINThe password change or set request failed because the password does not contain the minimum number of lowercase characters required by the password policy.
-160040xFFFFC17CNMAS_E_PASSWORD_LOWER_MAXThe password change or set request failed because the password contains more than the maximum number of lowercase characters allowed by the password policy.
-160050xFFFFC17BNMAS_E_PASSWORD_NUMERIC_DISALLOWEDThe password change or set request failed because the password contains numeric characters that are disallowed by the password policy.
-160060xFFFFC17ANMAS_E_PASSWORD_NUMERIC_FIRSTThe password change or set request failed because the first character of the password is a numeric character that is disallowed by the password policy.
-160070xFFFFC179NMAS_E_PASSWORD_NUMERIC_LASTThe password change or set request failed because the last character of the password is a numeric character that is disallowed by the password policy.
-160080xFFFFC178NMAS_E_PASSWORD_NUMERIC_MINThe password change or set request failed because the password does not contain the minimum number of numeric characters required by the password policy.
-160090xFFFFC177NMAS_E_PASSWORD_NUMERIC_MAXThe password change or set request failed because the password contains more than the maximum number of numeric case characters allowed by the password policy.
-160100xFFFFC176NMAS_E_PASSWORD_SPECIAL_DISALLOWEDThe password change or set request failed because the password contains non-alphanumeric characters that are disallowed by the password policy.
-160110xFFFFC175NMAS_E_PASSWORD_SPECIAL_FIRSTThe password change or set request failed because the first character of the password is a non-alphanumeric character that is disallowed by the password policy.
The password change or set request failed because the last character of the password is a non-alphanumeric character that is disallowed by the password policy.
-160130xFFFFC173NMAS_E_PASSWORD_SPECIAL_MINThe password change or set request failed because the password does not contain the minimum number of non-alphanumeric characters required by the password policy.
0xFFFFC172NMAS_E_PASSWORD_SPECIAL_MAXThe password change or set request failed because the password contains more than the maximum number of non-alphanumeric case characters allowed by the password policy.
-160150xFFFFC171NMAS_E_PASSWORD_REPEAT_CHAR_MAXThe password change or set request failed because the password contains a character that appears in the password more times than is allowed by the password policy.
-160160xFFFFC170NMAS_E_PASSWORD_CONSECUTIVE_MAXThe password change or set request failed because the password contains a character that appears consecutively more times than is allowed by the password policy.
-160170xFFFFC16FNMAS_E_PASSWORD_UNIQUE_MINThe password change or set request failed because the password does not contain the minimum number of unique characters required by the password policy.
-160180xFFFFC16ENMAS_E_PASSWORD_LIFE_MINThe password change or set request failed because the minimum amount of time since the last successful password change as required by the password policy has not elapsed.
-160190xFFFFC16DNMAS_E_PASSWORD_EXCLUDEThe password change or set request failed because the password appears in the excluded password list of the password policy.
-160200xFFFFC16CNMAS_E_PASSWORD_ATTR_VALUEThe password change or set request failed because the password is the same as a value of a user attribute that is disallowed by the password policy.
-160210xFFFFC16BNMAS_E_PASSWORD_EXTENDED_DISALLOWEDThe password change or set request failed because the password contains extended characters that are disallowed by the password policy.
-160220xFFFFC16ANMAS_E_INVALID_PASSWORD_POLCYThe password policy associated with the user is not a valid password policy.
-160230xFFFFC169NMAS_E_LOGIN_FAILED_ERROR_DISPLAYEDThe password change or set request failed because NMAS experienced an internal error.
-160240xFFFFC168NMAS_E_CFG_METHOD_EXISTSThe password change or set request failed because the method exits in the configuration data.
-160250xFFFFC167NMAS_E_CFG_NO_DATAThe password change or set request failed because no configuration data is available.
-160260xFFFFC166NMAS_E_CFG_NO_ACCESSThe password change or set request failed because of an error accessing configuration data.
-160270xFFFFC165NMAS_E_CFG_NO_MORE_ITEMSThe password change or set request failed because there are no more configuration methods.
-160280xFFFFC164NMAS_E_CFG_METHOD_NOT_FOUNDThe password change or set request failed because the specified method was not found in the configuration data.
-160290xFFFFC163NMAS_E_CFG_INVALID_DATAThe configuration data is invalid.
-160300xFFFFC162NMAS_E_CFG_IDPLUGIN_EXISTSThe identity plugin exists in the configuration data.
-160310xFFFFC161NMAS_E_CFG_IDPLUGIN_NOT_FOUNDThe password change or set request failed because the identity plugin was not found in the configuration data.
-160320xFFFFC16NMAS_E_CFG_TRACEINFO_EXISTSThe trace information exits in the configuration data.
-160330xFFFFC15FNMAS_E_CFG_TRACEINFO_NOT_FOUNDThe trace information was not found in the configuration data.
-160360xFFFFC169NMAS_E_LOGIN_FAILED_ERROR_DISPLAYED***Displays "NMAS internal error."
-160370xFFFFC15BNMAS_E_PASSWORD_LOWER_LAST***The last character of the password does not allow lowercase characters.
-160380xFFFFC15ANMAS_E_PASSWORD_EXTENDED_FIRST***The first character of the password does not allow extended characters.
-160390xFFFFC159NMAS_E_PASSWORD_EXTENDED_LAST***The last character of the password does not allow extended characters.
-160400xFFFFC158NMAS_E_PASSWORD_EXTENDED_MIN***The password does not contain the minimum number of extended characters
-160410xFFFFC157NMAS_E_PASSWORD_EXTENDED_MAX***Password contains more than the maximum number of extended characters.
-160420xFFFFC156NMAS_E_PASSWORD_UPPER_DISALLOWED***The password does not allow uppercase characters.
-160430xFFFFC155NMAS_E_PASSWORD_LOWER_DISALLOWED***The password does not allow lowercase characters.



User challenge questions do not match the challenge questions in the challenge set associated with the user.




The user challenge questions are not formatted properly.




This may be returned from MAFDS_ModifyEntry. It indicates that the user either 1) tried to add a duplicate value to a multiple-valued attribute or 2) tried to add multiple values to single valued attribute.

-160490xFFFFC14FNMAS_E_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUNDThe requested attribute does not exist on the specified object.
-160500xFFFFC14ENMAS_E_NO_MORE_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTESAll of the attributes values have been returned to the calling routine.
-160510xFFFFC14DNMAS_E_UNKNOWN_IDENTITYThe specified connection does not have a user identity.
-160520xFFFFC14CNMAS_E_ENTRY_NOT_FOUNDThe specified object does not exist.
-160530xFFFFC14BNMAS_E_ATTRIBUTE_EXISTSThe object already has the specified attribute value or the attribute can not have multiple values.
-160540xFFFFC14ANMAS_E_AUDIT_REQUIREDNMAS Auditing is required but is not configured or installed correctly.
-160550xFFFFC149NMAS_E_PASSWORD_AD2K8_COMPLEX_VIOLATIONThe password change or set request failed because the password violates the complexity rules of the assigned Microsoft Server 2008-format password policy.
-160560xFFFFC148NMAS_E_PASSWORD_RANDOM_FAILEDThe password change or set request failed because the NMAS server could not generate a random password conforming to the rules of the assigned password policy.
-160570xFFFFC147NMAS_E_PASSWORD_NONALPHA_DISALLOWEDThe password change or set request failed because the password contains a non-alphabetic character. The assigned password policy does not allow non-alphabetic characters.
-160580xFFFFC146NMAS_E_PASSWORD_NONALPHA_MINThe password change or set request failed because the password does not contain the minimum number of non-alphabetic characters required by the assigned password policy.
-160590xFFFFC145NMAS_E_PASSWORD_NONALPHA_MAXThe password change or set request failed because the password contains more than the maximum number of non-alphabetic characters allowed by the assigned password policy.
-160600xFFFFC144NMAS_E_CRYPTO_FAILUREIf you upgrade your eDirectory server to 9.2 from any previous version and the tree has any users with Universal Password encrypted with DES tree key, then for such users login or password change might fail with this error.

Additional Information

A complete list of NMAS error codes can be found in the NMAS NDK

Formerly known as TID# 10098783