How to auto complete in a pcksh shell?

  • 7002630
  • 02-Apr-2012
  • 26-Apr-2012


Privileged User Manager 2.3.0


How to auto complete in a pcksh shell?


The pcksh shell is a ksh based shell.  Posix standard for ksh shells use the 'esc-esc' (esc twice) sequence for auto completion. 

Additional Information

It is possible to make pcksh more 'bash-like' in using the 'tab' key for  auto completion. 

1. Open a pcksh shell and then type:  bind ^I=complete
2. Edit the /etc/profile.pcksh and add:  bind ^I=complete

After enabling this binding, the tab key can be used for auto completion in a pcksh shell.