How to delete GWEventNotification keys in GroupWise

  • 7005743
  • 15-Apr-2010
  • 13-Feb-2019


Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise  2012
Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise 2014 R2
Novell GroupWise 18.x


This MISC option was introduced in GroupWise 7 code to find and remove all event keys from GWEvent container of a user database. Those event keys are usually created by SOAP based applications like BES or GMS to allow GroupWise to notify these applications about monitored items changes. Application after receiving GroupWise SLAP then requests a data.  
In case of a user database corruption, DelEventsByKey was intended to remove all found key records.
Usually you run GWCheck on entire PO or on a specific user mailbox and select Contents + Fix options on the user database. Then you click on MISC tab and fill in deleventsbykey string. After running GWCheck with such modified mode you could see in a log file all found keys that were also deleted during this process.


With present GroupWise code, this feature works differently. To use GWCheck for removing the event key from a user database, you will need to run it 2x:
1. First time you run the GWCheck (Contents + Fix) with the MISC string deleventsbykey. This will list all keys found in a user database.
2. Second time you run similar check options but now you need to specify what of listed key you want to delete. In the MISC tab you need specify in the MISC tab deleventsbykey=<key>.
This will remove specified event key and all associated mailbox items. Please see more details in Additional Information part of this document.
However, there is alternate, more elegant way how to see and manage event keys. This was added in SP2 of the GW8 code.
You will need to access the POA via HTTP interface to manage it:
1. Login into http interface.

2. Click on the Configuration tab / link.

3. On this page scroll down and find Event Configuration List link.

4. This shows a list of users that have any event keys / associated mailbox items. The user will be shown in the list only if the user has received an event (new mail, calendar or created a new contact) since the POA was restarted. If there has been no events for the user since the last restart of the POA, the user will not be shown in the list. If the user listed is clicked on, it displays few options as to what to do with the assigned key. In case you intend to delete the key and associated mailbox items, for instance, you need to select Delete Event Configuration (this removes a key) & Delete Events (this deletes all items associated with the key). When you return back to the  Event Configuration List link, the user will not be listed anymore.
You might also consider to reload POA after all user changes.

Additional Information

Procedure for running deleventsbykey MISC option:
1. Run GWCheck with Contents + Fix on the user database and activate also MISC tab. Here type deleventsbykey string.
This will list event keys of a user mailbox. A log file might list similar lines like as an example bellow:
Starting scan of EVENT (and EVENT configuration) records
Located EVENT configuration record (drn=131;
Located EVENT configuration record (drn=123;
Finished scan of EVENT (and EVENT configuration) records
2. Next re-run the same GWCheck option but specify the event key from step 1 in MISC tab. See example of the MISC tab string bellow: 
3. This modified MISC tab option will check the user database again and will find all event items associated with the specified event key string and will delete them. You can see in the check log file several Problem 101 lines like in example bellow:
Located EVENT configuration record (drn=754;
Matched EVENT configuration record (drn=754;
Problem 101- EVENT record without configuration (drn=1233;
4. After you will run the check again on the same user database just with deleventsbykey MISC tab option, you 
will not see the specific event key listed anymore. 

** New Information :  GroupWise 2014 R2 ** :
In GroupWise 2014 R2 the event key will look like this example :



So if you wanted to remove the Soap Notification list information on the Post Office agent for this user alone, then you would use :


and then :


Note:  If you were to remove the trailing "user11", in this example, then all references to this Mac Address would be removed for ALL users.  In this example the Mac Address for the Mobility server is technically "C294C5849".

Note:  If you complete the steps in this technical document and you still see the old items listed in the POA Soap Notification List, it may be that you would have to restart the POA , as this information may be cached.