How to collect eDirectory LDAP traces for troubleshooting purposes

  • 7007106
  • 27-Oct-2010
  • 14-Jan-2020


Novell eDirectory 9.x for All Platforms
Novell eDirectory 8.8 for All Platforms
Novell eDirectory 8.7.3 for All Platforms


Troubleshoot Novell LDAP configuration
Troubleshoot Linux User Management (LUM) installation and configuration
Linux User Management Daemon (NAMCD) does not load
LDAP traces are requested by a Novell Technical Services (NTS) engineer


Depending on eDirectory version and platform where it is installed, perform the following steps:

1. Increase debug level of LDAP messages by setting the LDAP server object screen options, through any of the following procedures:

On Linux and Solaris, this can be achieved using the following command:
ldapconfig set "LDAP Screen Level=all"

Through iManager which is platform independent , follow the steps below:
- click on Modify Object from Directory Administration role and task;
- locate and select the LDAP Server object related to the affected server;
- select Tracing tab and enable all the LDAP screen options, then click Apply.

On NetWare, type the command below in the console:
ldap dstrace +all

2. Configure (n)dstrace enabling LDAP trace, quickly reproduce the issue, and collect the generated log file.

Linux and Solaris operating systems

Open a terminal and type

set ndstrace=nodebug
ndstrace time tags ldap
ndstrace screen on
ndstrace file on
set ndstrace=*r (to clear the trace file)

Once the tests have been completed, turn off tracing as follows:

ndstrace file off

According to the eDirectory version installed, by default log files for 8.7.3.x, 8.8.x and 9.x respectively located in:

8.7.3.x:   /var/nds/log/ndstrace.log
8.8.x/9.x: /var/opt/novell/eDirectory/log/ndstrace.log

Microsoft Windows operating systems

Launch Novell eDirectory Services Console (NDSCons.exe) and:

a. Select dstrace.dlm service from the Services tab and click on Start button.
b. On the new Novell eDirectory Trace window, click on File and then New.
c. Choose preferred path and file name, then click on Open.
d. Yet from the Trace window, click on Edit and then Options.
e. Click on Clear All button On the new Trace Options window, and check the LDAP box only.
f. Switch to the Screen tab and make sure Time Stamp and Option Tag boxes are checked.
g. Click on OK and perform your tests. Closing the Trace window will unload dstrace.dlm as well.

iMonitor (platform-independent)

As administrator, follow the procedure below:

a. Click on the Trace Configuration button from the left menu.
b. Click on Clear All box and then on the LDAP radio button under the DS Trace Options section.
c. Click on Trace On to start capturing and logging the LDAP activity.
d. A new Trace line will be available at the top of the screen. To stop tracing, click on Trace Off.
e. Click on Trace History to access archived trace files. The most recent trace information will be shown.

NetWare operating system

On the NetWare console, type

load dstrace
dstrace -all
dstrace +ldap
dstrace +time
dstrace +tags
dstrace file off (to clear the trace file)
dstrace screen on
dstrace file on

Once the tests have been completed, turn off tracing as follows:

dstrace file off
unload dstrace