Symantec Anti Virus exclusions for ZENworks 10 or 11

  • 7008069
  • 07-Mar-2011
  • 02-Mar-2017


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management


How to set exclusions for Symantec Antivirus for ZENworks 10 or 11 managed devices.


  1. Implement settings per Symantec documentation.
  2. Go to Admin> select local server> right click and edit properties > select live update tab, change download frequency to daily at 10am in the morning. Click ok and close this.
    (This will setup liveupdate download from Symantec or from liveupdate administrator to 10 am in the morning).
  3. From Policies> antivirus and antispyware policy> file system auto protect> Advanced scanning option then uncheck Scan when file is backed up.
  4. From Policies> antivirus and antispyware policy> file system auto protect>Advanced.  Select Load autoprotect when: Symantec Endpoint protection starts Also click on File cache and unselect Rescan cache when new definitions load.
  5. From Administrator defined Scans> Advanced tab > Startup and Triggered scans unselect all options.
  6. From clients> select required group > select policies tab > under location-independent Policies and Settings> communication settings. Change the download to pull mode instead of push mode and increase the heartbeat interval and Download randomization time at least to 30 minutes.

This is in addition to the list of ZENworks exclusions from TID 7007545.