NOWS SBE 2.5 and OES2SP3

  • 7008489
  • 29-Apr-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Workgroup Suite Small Business Edition (NOWS SBE) 2.5
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3


Patches were installed using zypper up from a console prompt and not from the Simplified User Interface (WebUI).


DO NOT apply the move-to-oes2-sp3 patch to NOWS SBE 2.5.  It has not been tested, and may cause unknown issues.  If this occurs, your best option is to reinstall the server.

Additional Information

There are currently no plans to make OES2SP3 compatible with NOWS SBE 2.5.