Error: Cache 'get' failed for key TimeoutException

  • 7012661
  • 20-Jun-2013
  • 20-Jun-2013


Novell Filr 1.0


You may come across this warning/error in the ssf.log file if you have more than one Filr appliances:

2013-06-12 00:07:16,485 WARN  [http-apr-8443-exec-3] [com.googlecode.hibernate.memcached.LoggingMemcacheExceptionHandler] - Cache 'get' failed for key [org.kablink.teaming.domain.FolderEntry.customAttributes:0:99425] java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Timed out(1000) waiting for operation


Check on each Filr appliance and make sure they are up and running. Once each Filr Appliance is up and everything is reachable, this error/warning should go away. If you need one of the Filr Appliances down for an extended period, you should reconfigure memcached through the VA config (available via port 9443) and remove the one from the list.


This usually means that one of the memcached servers is not accessible which can happen if one of the Filr Appliances is down or not responding.