Uploading large files from Filr desktop client to a net folder fails and generates an error

  • 7012777
  • 03-Jul-2013
  • 03-Jul-2013


Novell Filr 1.0


Using the Filr Desktop client, when adding a large file, for instance a 4.5 GB .iso file, to a Net Folder, it would appear the file is uploaded successfully to the back-end server via the Filr Net Folder, the file would appear to be available in the Filr web UI, but the Filr console of the Desktop Client shows that the upload has failed.

This is seen for Net Folders created for both NCP as CIFS shares.

Errors that are logged in the events.log of the desktop client contain:
1370454932|ERROR|4|1,2097,2097,2097_ANWHIX0BUQMJUZZI8THXS0WT|Unable to upload %s to the server.|Net Folders\ADShare0\Folder0\Subfolder0\Subsubfolder0\large.iso
1370455265|WARN|4|1,2097,2097,2097_ANWHIX0BUQMJUZZI8THXS0WT|Unable to upload %s to the server because there is already a file with that name.|Net Folders\ADShare0\Folder0\Subfolder0\Subsubfolder0\large.iso
1370455282|WARN|4|1,2097,2097,2097_171b08c43f10eb93013f157d3b217270|Failed to download %s because another file is in its place.|Net Folders\ADShare0\Folder0\Subfolder0\Subsubfolder0\large.iso


This has been reported to Novell Engineering and will be addressed by an forthcoming update for Filr.


When adding files to Net Folders, the Filr server reads the uploaded file and saves it to disk.
After that the Filr server transfers the file contents to the FAMT process, that transfers the file towards the file server in the back end.
While the data transfer is ongoing, the desktop client awaits a response from the server. If the server processing takes more than 2 minutes, the desktop client times out, logs an error that the upload failed, and retries in 1 minute.


Reported to Engineering