How to upgrade Novell Messenger to 3.0

  • 7016531
  • 21-May-2015
  • 21-May-2015


Novell Messenger


How to upgrade messenger 2.2 to 3.0
How to migrate and upgrade to Messenger 3.0


If the server already has the older Novell Messenger software installed
  1. Download the Novell Messenger 3.0 software
  2. Extract the download by typing tar xvf nm300_full_linux_multi.tar.gz
  3. Go to the installer directory NovellMessengerFolder/server
  4. Run the installer by typing ./
  5. Accept the license agreement and proceed with installing the new software
  6. Select option 3) Extend schema only and proceed with the configuration
If the server needs to be migrated before installing the new Novell Messenger, please follow the following TID

Additional Information

If desired, the documentation that may provide more details for the migration can be found here