iPrint Direct submitted print jobs do not spool.

  • 7017417
  • 28-Mar-2016
  • 14-Apr-2016


Micro Focus iPrint Appliance


When submitting a print job to an iPrint Printer which is enabled for iPrint Direct while the network printer is powered off, the print job is lost.  Once the network printer is powered on, the print job can't be sent to the printer because it no longer exists.

In contrast, when submitting a print job to an iPrint Printer which is configured for server spooling (default iPrint configuration), the print job is spooled on the server. If the network printer is powered off at the time the print job is submitted, the print job is retained on the server and sent to the network printer once it is powered on.

How can an iPrint Direct printer be configured to be locally spool the print job if the network printer is powered off?


  1. Update the iPrint Client to version 6.04 or later.
    • To install the 6.04 client:
      • Download novell-iprint-server- from the above link.
      • install the RPM to the iPrint server
        • rpm -Uvh novell-iprint-client-
      • Go to the /ipp page
        • http://<IP or DNS of the iPrint Server>/ipp
      • Click the "Install iPrint Client" button
  2. Set the following registry settings:
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell-iPrint\Settings\[bDirectPrintSpoolJobEnabled] = 1 (DWORD)
  3. Restart Microsoft Print Spooler service
    • Open a CMD prompt in "Run as administrator" mode
    • Right-click the CMD icon, choose "Run as administrator"
    • Type the two following commands within the CMD prompt
      • net stop spooler
      • net start spooler
  4. Restart the iPrint Service
    • Open the Windows Services.msc
    • Stop and Start the "Micro Focus iPrint Service"

A new menu item will be available when right-clicking the iPrint Client system tray icon:  Document Status (Direct Printers)

This new menu item will open a dialog box which will allow the end user to manage print jobs held within the local iPrint Direct spooling location.  The end user will have options to:

  • Block jobs
  • Unblock jobs
  • Delete jobs
  • View details of completed jobs