Manually Upgrade or Migrate iPrint Appliance

  • 7018081
  • 20-Sep-2016
  • 20-May-2020


Micro Focus iPrint Appliance


The iPrint Appliance documentation lists two ways to upgrade the Appliance:
  1. Version 1.1 to 2.1 - method
  2. Version 2.0 to 2.1 - Attach secondary disk method
This article documents a third method.
This third method is valid for upgrading or migrating to and from the following versions:
Note: The upgrade paths mentioned below do not apply to methods 1 and 2 above.  For example, the and secondary disk methods does not support a 1.x to 3.x upgrade.
  • 1.0 to 1.1
  • 1.0 to 2.0
  • 1.0 to 2.1
  • 1.1 to 2.0
  • 1.1 to 2.1
  • 2.0 to 2.1
  • 2.x to 3.0
  • 2.0 to 4.0
  • 2.x to 4.0
  • 3.x to 4.0


 Watch this video, and/or follow the steps below:
  1. Copy files
    • From the existing iPrint Appliance server, copy the following to a Windows machine.
      • /var/opt/novell/iprint/resdir directory and all of its contents. 
      • /var/opt/novell/iprint/print_manager.iPrintAppliance.psm/padbtxt.xml
      • /var/opt/novell/iprint/htdocs/iprint.ini
  2. Configure the target appliance server.
    • It is important that the new server has the same DNS name and same IP address as the original server.  Because of this requirement, you must shut down the original server to install and configure the new server.
    • After the initial configuration, be sure to go to https://<ip or dns>:9443 to complete the installation. 
      • Choose the Create New iPrint Appliance option.
  3. Import users
    • If you had imported users in the previous Appliance, do the same for the new one.
  4. Create OUs.
    • If iPrint printer objects in the previous Appliance were created to an OU other than the iPrintAppliance Organization, create that OU using iManager.
  5. Enable SSH so WinSCP and Putty can connect.
    • Go to https://<ip or dns>:9443
    • Click the System Services icon
    • Highlight SSH
      • Click Action -> Start
      • Click Options -> Set as Automatic
  6. Copy files to the server
    • Copy the resdir directory and its contents to the new iPrint Appliance server. 
    • Copy the padbtxt.xml to the /tmp directory.  
    • Copy the iprint.ini to /var/opt/novell/iprint/htdocs
  7. Prepare the padbtxt.xml
    • Line 7 of the /tmp/padbtxt.xml shows the tree name.  This tree name is wrong.  Update the tree name to the new server's tree name.  You can view the new server's tree name by pasting the following command into a terminal session:
      • ndsstat | grep Tree
  8. Import the printer agent configuration
    • Paste the following string of commands into a terminal session of the new server while logged in as root:
      • sed -i 's/driverupdateenabled>1/driverupdateenabled>0/' /tmp/padbtxt.xml;rcnovell-ipsmd stop;chown -R iprint.iprint /var/opt/novell/iprint/resdir;rcnovell-idsd restart;/opt/novell/iprint/bin/ipsmd -x /tmp/padbtxt.xml -u cn=admin,o=iPrintAppliance;rcnovell-ipsmd start;rcnovell-iprint-mobile restart
        • You will be prompted to provide the admin password.
        • Among the commands listed above is a sed command which turns off Auto Driver Update within the XML file.  This feature is turned because having Auto Driver Update enabled on a printer agent (or many printer agents) is undesirable when doing any type of migration.  Having that option enabled instructs the workstations with printers installed to auto-remove and auto-install the iPrint printer to the workstation.  This auto process happens when the time stamp on the printer driver is updated.  A migration (manual or otherwise) will update the time stamp.  Auto-removing printers and auto re-installing them is desirable only if the driver or profile was actually updated.
  9. Mobile configuration
    • The above steps do not import the mobile printing configuration.  You will need to configure all that was configured before, such as:
      • enable printers for mobile printing
      • configure the remote renderer
      • configure email printing
      • apply the license file
      • configure 3rd party certificates

Additional Information

The above documented upgrade steps can be desirable if : 
  • the upgrade methods in the documentation are not working
  • you want a fresh start with the newer server, but don't want to manually upload printer drivers or manually create printer agents and printer driver profiles.