After updating to ZENworks 2017 Update 2 System variables on bundle or device and folder levels are overwritten with zone system variables

  • 7022612
  • 30-Jan-2018
  • 05-Apr-2018


ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 2


After updating to ZENworks 2017 Update 2 System variables on bundle  or device and folder levels are overwritten with zone system variables.

The picture below shows the bundle settings for local System Variables are set to the Zone level:


This is fixed in version ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 2a - see KB 7022513 "ZENworks Configuration Management 2017 Update 2a and 2 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at 

Note:  Aside from the issue described in this TID, ZENworks 2017 Update 2 and ZENworks 2017 Update 2a builds are functionally identical. 

This problem will impact zones where system variables have been set at levels below zone. To determine whether variables are set run this sql query:

select * from zZENObject where zuid in (select ObjectUID from zSystemSetting where name = 'zenworks.system.variables' and ObjectUID is not NULL)

If ZENworks 2017 Update 2 is downloaded but not yet applied to the primaries, delete the system update and apply  ZENworks 2017 Update 2a

If ZENworks 2017 Update 2 has already been applied to the primaries, and the query above returns no results, then there is no change necessary, no need to do anything and can continue with the system update 2.

If ZENworks 2017 Update 2 was already applied to the primaries, and the query above returns values, if the number is excessive, contact Micro Focus Customer Care ZENworks support.  The query will return a list of bundles or folders impacted.  Do not increment the bundle versions of the bundles listed in the query until fixing them.   If there aren't too many, it can be fixed by manually modifying in ZCC and re-adding the variables to the settings.


A one time only system update global action mistakenly overwrites system variables set below zone level setting them to zone level and losing the custom variables.   The problem was due to a preglobal action and will not reoccur for new bundles created after the update.

This issue will not occur in the newly released ZENworks 2017 Update 2a.

Additional Information

For information about using dbisql for Sybase database see