Many 2 Gigabyte files are created in the Post Office/wpcsin/1 directory and are filling up the volume

  • 7023823
  • 15-Apr-2019
  • 16-Apr-2019


GroupWise 2014 R2 Support Pack 2


The drive space in the SLES server volume where a GroupWise Post Office resides is filling up rapidly.  It was determined that the source of the problem is that many 2 Gig files are created in the Post Office/wpcsin/1/ directory.


A few of these 2 gig files were "opened" and determined to be replication messages from a shared folder change of ownership.  Somehow a "bug" allowed thousands of attachments to be associated with some mail messages in about 4 shared folders.

The problem user was able to go into their large list of shared folders and find 4 of them that had a large number of messages contained in them.

To stop the creation of the 2 gig files, after the problem user found the 4 shared folders with a large number of messages, this user clicked the button "Cancel Transfer Ownership" in the "Sharing" tab of the respective shared folders.


This is allowed to occur because of a defect in the software, being looked at by GroupWise development.

Additional Information

The GroupWise domain administrator would receive several admin mail message that say :

12-04-2019 10:02 <Post Office name> 
Error that occurred: D01B-Required User Database rights not granted
Sender user ID: <GW-User-FID>
Type of message: Distributed action
Type of message: Take ownership of share
To requeue, save the last attachment to <post office path>\WPCSOUT\OFS\0

The GroupWise POA log, verbose logging, shows alot of  the below message with regard to 1 specific user :

  "Replication requests (GW-user<fid>)"

Suggestion to find mail messages with large attachments in a mailbox :

1.  In the GroupWise Windows client, Click on Tools, "Check Mailbox size", normally the largest message is at the top of the list, you can Click on the different "View" types to look at all messages.

Suggestion to find the number of messages in a folder, shared or not :

1.  Highlight a folder, right click, Properties, General tab, Click Contains button.

This customer no longer has the issue with the creation of the 2 gig files in the Post Office, but is unable to transfer ownership of the affected shared folders, as the GroupWise domain administrator receives the admin message noted above that says  :

    "Error that occurred: D01B-Required User Database rights not granted"

This problem with receiving errors on transferring ownership of the affected shared folders is being looked at by development under this defect noted.