Wrong version displayed after applying ZSM 7 SP1 IR4 HP1

  • 7004580
  • 01-Oct-2009
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 7 Server Management Support Pack 1 - ZSM7 SP1 Tiered Electronic Distribution (TED)

ZSM7 SP1 IR4 HP1 been applied.


When doing a version in the ZENworks screen or running a zfsversion, the wrong version is being displayed. It should be "7.0 SP1 IR4 HP1" but"7.0 SP1 IR3a HP1" is being displayed.


Fixed in ZENworks 7 Server Management Service Pack 1 Interim Release 4 Hot Patch 7, see KB 3809227 "Updates to Novell ZENworks 7 Server Management" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support

Additional Information

Please note that the zfsversion output does not contain specific interims release or hotpatch information.