ZCM Patch queries taking time to complete

  • 7011781
  • 13-Feb-2013
  • 13-Feb-2013


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11 Patch Management
Novell ZENworks Patch Management 11


Various operations in the ZCM database are taking a long time to complete. It's been observed that some Patch queries are slow to execute.
Example queries:

UPDATE PatchDeviceStatus set status=2,
packageName='1555357B-D7EE-4C7B-845D-72F3C8A408BF' WHERE deviceID=
0x215274c18f34144a8a0b2a2e5c2fad5b AND SIGNATURE_ID IN (12974);

DELETE FROM PatchDeviceStatus where deviceId=0xd5e46553d98be04ea0bf25e95189fa68 and SIGNATURE_ID = '19971'

(@P0 nvarchar(4000),@P1 int,@P2 bit)select top 25 sigs1_.SIGNATURE_ID as y0_,
sigs1_.name as y1_, sigs1_.impact as y2_, sigs1_.cached as y3_, sigs1_.enabled
as y4_, sigs1_.deployed as y5_, sigs1_.status as y6_, sigs1_.revision as y7_, (
select count(*) from patchdevicestatus ps where ps.signature_id =
sigs1_.signature_id and ps.status = 1) as y8_, ( select count(*) from
patchdevicestatus ps where ps.signature_id = sigs1_.signature_id and ps.status
= 2) as y9_ from PATCHLIST this_ inner join PATCHSIGNATURE sigs1_ on
this_.LIST_ID=sigs1_.LIST_ID where this_.os= @P0  and ( select count(*) from
patchdevicestatus ps where ps.signature_id = sigs1_.signature_id and ps.status
= 2)> @P1  and sigs1_.enabled= @P2  order by sigs1_.name asc


This is fixed in version 11.2.2 - see KB 7010757 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2.2 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7010757