Attribute "WM: Network Address" is not updated if one of the these characters "[""]" are in the workstation name

  • 3958518
  • 03-May-2007
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management Support Pack 2 - ZDM6.5 SP2 Automatic Workstation Import
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Service Pack 1- ZDM7 SP1 Desktop Management
Novell ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Service Pack 1- ZDM7 SP1 Automatic Workstation Import


When the naming convention for the Workstation name contains a user defined character like "[" or "]", the eDirectory attribute "WM: Network Address" will not be updated. This behaviour will effect ZENworks Remote Management.


For ZDM7: Fixed in ZENworks 7 Desktop Management Service Pack 1 Interim Release 3a, available at

For ZDM6.5 SP2: fixed in ZENworks 6.5 Desktop Management SP2 IR1 or newer found at

Additional Information

Steps to Duplicate:

1. Create a workstation import policy, on the tab Platforms General, tab Naming use the following naming rule to Computername"[" MAC Address "]"
2. Import a new workstation
3. Reboot the workstation