Start iReport:
For Windows:
.For Linux: Change to /opt/novell/zenworks-reporting/js/ireport/bin and enter the ./ command.
tool bar is displayed. On initial startup of iReport, no servers are configured.To add a server, click in the Repository Navigator tool bar.
panel is displayed.Specify the following configuration information to access the server:
ID: An identifier for this server that appears in the Repository Navigator.
JasperReports Server URL: Full URL to the repository web service; ensure that the default URL is jasperserver-pro. You need to change hostname to the name of your server:
https://hostname:<secure server port>/jasperserver-pro/services/repository
Organization: (Optional) Specify the ID or the user's organization.
Username: ID of the user accessing the server from iReport.
Password: The password of the user.
.The created ID is displayed in the Repository Navigator panel.
Expand the ID tree structure.
The Certificate panel is displayed.
Accept the certificate by selecting one of the following options: