3.12 Modifying the NCP File Server Name

The NCP File Server Name parameter is set by default to the hostname of the server at install time. Typically, the hostname does not change because it affects so many installed services. It might be easier to reinstall the server than to discover and modify the hostname setting for all services that include the hostname in their configuration files.

If you modify the server hostname, use the information in this section to modify the NCP File Server Name parameter.

3.12.1 Understanding the NCP File Server Name

NCP File Server Name

NCP Server uses the server hostname (such as server1) as the NCP File Server Name. The setting is initially based on the value you use for the OES 2 Linux server hostname at install time. When installing OES 2 Linux on a virtual machine, this is the hostname you give to the guest server, not the hostname of the physical host server.

IMPORTANT:The NCP File Server Name parameter is included in the ncpserv.conf file for informational purposes only.

If you modify the server hostname, you must also modify NCP_FILE_SERVER_NAME parameter by editing the /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf file.

Using Underscore Characters in the NCP File Server Name

NCP Server allows the use of the underscore (_) character for the NCP File Server Name parameter.

Linux Server Hostname

The Linux server hostname is tied to a specified machine (physical or virtual) and is typically unique within a given network. The hostname information is stored in the /etc/hosts file and the /etc/HOSTNAME file. The following simple rules are used for server hostnames to conform to accepted Internet standards:

  • Hostnames can use alphabetic (a to z) characters, numeric (0 to 9) characters, and hyphens (-).

  • Hostnames can begin and end with a letter or a digit, but cannot be only digits.

  • Hostnames are case insensitive.

In the OES 2 Linux install and in YaST, underscores are treated as invalid characters for server hostnames and domain names, and cannot be set there. Any service, utility, or command that checks the hostname for invalid characters might not work if you use underscores in the hostname. However, many services, including BIND for the DNS Server, allow their check-names functions to be disabled or to ignore invalid characters in the hostname.

3.12.2 Modifying the NCP File Server Name Parameter

  1. On the OES 2 Linux server, open a terminal console, then log in as the root user.

  2. Open the /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf file in a text editor.

    For example, to use gedit, enter

    gedit /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf
  3. Locate the NCP_FILE_SERVER_NAME parameter.

    For example, the entry for a server with a fully qualified hostname of server1.example.com is set to a value of server1 as follows:

  4. Type the new hostname. For example:

    NCP_FILE_SERVER_NAME server-abc
  5. Save the file.

  6. Restart the Novell eDirectory (ndsd) Daemon by entering the following commands:

    /etc/init.d/ndsd stop
    /etc/init.d/ndsd start
  7. Restart the Novell NCP/NSS IPC daemon by entering

    /etc/init.d/ncp2nss restart

    For information about why this is necessary, see Section 3.5, Restarting the Novell NCP/NSS IPC (ncp2nss) Daemon.