3.2 Changing the DNS and IP address on a single Primary Server zone

NOTE:If you change the DNS name of a Primary Server, the enrolled MDM devices might not be able to communicate with the ZENworks Server. You should re-enroll Windows, Mac, or mobile devices to enable communication with the ZENworks Server.

Perform the following steps to change the DNS and IP address on a single Primary Server zone:

  1. In ZCC, add the additional DNS name (for example, test.epm.blr.novell.com) for the Primary Server, by selecting the Primary Server object and navigating to Settings → Infrastructure Management → Additional DNS Names.

  2. Execute the zman location-response-recompute -f (or) zman lrr -f command to re-compute the location configuration response so that the requesting devices can obtain the latest changes.

  3. Ensure that all the devices in the zone are refreshed so that these devices can obtain the newly added DNS in their Closest Server Rules (CSR).

  4. Verify that the CSR on the ZENworks agent is updated with the new hostname.

  5. Test the communication between the Primary Server and the managed devices and ensure that they are able to communicate with each other.

  6. Change the hostname of the Primary Server to the new hostname that was added in Step 1.

  7. Change the IP address of the Primary Server.

  8. If the database is located on the Primary Server whose IP address you changed in the above step, then perform the following steps:

    1. In zdm.xml, change the database server address on all the other Primary Servers:

      On Windows: %ZENSERVER_HOME%\conf\datamodel\zdm.xml

      On Linux/Appliance: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/datamodel

    2. In zenaudit.xml, change the audit database server address on all the other Primary Servers:

      On Windows: %ZENSERVER_HOME%\conf\datamodel\zenaudit.xml

      On Linux/Appliance: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/datamodel

    3. If Antimalware is enabled, then in the amedatasource.properties file change the Antimalware server address on all the other Primary Servers:

      On Linux/Appliance: /etc/opt/microfocus/antimalware/

      On Windows: %ZENSERVER_HOME%\services\antimalware\conf\

  9. Run the following configure actions:

    microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateOSPProperties

    microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateContentDatasourceConfigureAction

  10. (Conditional) If any of Vertica, ZooKeeper or Kafka is configured,

    1. Update the IP address of the server in which Vertica is configured. For more information, see Changing the IP address of the Vertica Nodes.

    2. Update database with new DNS (the new SQL function that is created). For more information, see SQL Query for Updating DNS in the Database.

    3. Update ZooKeeper or/and Kafka or/and Vertica properties files with new DNS using shell script or bat file. For more information, see Creating the Replace DNS Script.

    4. Reconfigure all Kafka brokers by running: zman server-role-kafka-reconfig-broker –servers=<comma separated list of servers> or zman srkrcb –servers=<comma separated list of servers>.

  11. (Conditional) On a Linux Primary Server, you need to remove the Docker container for the modified hostname to take effect. To remove the container:

    1. Stop all ZENworks services (ZENAdminMgmt and ZENClientMgmt).

    2. Remove the docker containers using the command docker container prune -f.

    3. Start all ZENworks services (ZENAdminMgmt and ZENClientMgmt).

  12. Reboot the Primary Server.

  13. Add an entry of the new IP address of the Primary Server and the old hostname in the /etc/hosts file on Linux and C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file on Windows and ensure that SSL works.

  14. Rename the Primary Server object in ZCC.

  15. Execute the zac refresh (zac ref) command on the Primary Server to ensure that the new hostname is reflected in ZCC.

  16. Test the communication between the Primary Server and the ZENworks agent on the Primary Server and ensure that they are able to communicate with each other.

  17. Remint the server certificate. While reminting the server certificate, edit the Common Name from the older hostname name to the newly added hostname name (FQDN). In case the zone is using an Internal CA, then you might be asked to remint satellite certificates also.

    For more information, see Reminting Server Certificates in the ZENworks SSL Management Reference.

  18. After the certificate is activated, ensure that the server certificate does not contain the old hostname.

  19. Remove the entry from the host file that was added in Step 13.

  20. Go to the database and remove the additional DNS entry in the table znetworkaddress by running the following query:

    delete from znetworkaddress where device = <Device-Guid> and dns = <additional-DNS added> and ipaddress is null and subnetmask is null and macaddress is null and autodetected = 0

  21. Navigate back to ZCC and ensure that the additional DNS name added in Step 1 is not present for the Primary Server.

  22. (Conditional) If database is configured, recreate connectors by running zman server-role-kafka-recreate-connectors or zman srkrcc.

  23. Test the communication between the Primary Server and the managed devices and ensure that they are able to communicate with each other.