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Built-In Namespace String

Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Converts an IP address in a number of input forms into the standard dotted-quad notation used by Sentinel.
Creates a hash value of a string.
insert(start, num, ins)
Inserts a string at a specified character position, replacing that character
This method converts the string from Base64 encoding to a regular string.
Converts an LDAP-formatted string into an object with separate attributes to contain the CN and the rest of the directory structure.
parseNVP(pairSep, NVSep, quote)
The parseNVP() function converts a string in name-value pair format into a hash where each value can be retrieved by its name.
Converts a standard path into a normalized form.
Parse a Syslog string.
safesplit(delim, quote)
Splits a string into substrings based on a delimiter character.
Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.
Method Detail
{String} convertIP(radix)
Converts an IP address in a number of input forms into the standard dotted-quad notation used by Sentinel.
Defined in: utils.js.
{Number} radix
The radix of the input; 16 for hex, 8 for octal, etc. Default is 10 for decimal.
{String} The converted IP address in normalized, dotted-quad form (network order)

{String} getHashValue(hashtype)
Creates a hash value of a string. Message digests are secure one-way hash functions that take arbitrary-sized data and output a fixed-length hash value.
Defined in: utils.js.
{String} hashtype
One of 'MD2','MD5','SHA','SHA-1','SHA-2','SHA-256','SHA-384','SHA-512' specifying the hash algorithm
{String} checksum The computed hash value of a string or 'undefined' if it fails due to any reason.

{String} insert(start, num, ins)
Inserts a string at a specified character position, replacing that character
Defined in: utils.js.
var str = "this is a string";
var newstr = str.insert(8, 1, "my");
{Number} start
Character position in the string at which the inserted string should be placed.
{Number} num
Number of characters to consume while inserting string
{String} ins
String to insert into this

This method converts the string from Base64 encoding to a regular string. Note that in general you should only attempt to decode strings; decoding binary data may cause issues.
Defined in: utils.js.
var string="SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxk";
var outstring=string.parseBase64();

{Hash} parseLDAP()
Converts an LDAP-formatted string into an object with separate attributes to contain the CN and the rest of the directory structure. This method will take a normal LDAP string (CN=user1.OU=users.OU=engineering.O=novell) and convert it into an object with separate attributes for the base name and domain (in Sentinel parlance. This object has two fields:


var ldapuser = "CN=user1.OU=users.OU=engineering.O=novell";
var ldapobj = ldapuser.parseLDAP();
// In, modify the lines to say:

Defined in: utils.js.
{Hash} Two-attribute object with basename and domain from LDAP string

{Hash} parseNVP(pairSep, NVSep, quote)
The parseNVP() function converts a string in name-value pair format into a hash where each value can be retrieved by its name. For example, the string "name=value" would be converted to obj["name"] = value.

Note that in some cases you may need to pre-process your string to avoid confusion. Quoting in particular can be thorny, and you'll need to make sure there are no unquoted characters that look like separators but really aren't.


var input='a=1 b=2 c=hello d="one token"'
input.parseNVP(" ","=",'"')

Defined in: utils.js.
{char} pairSep
Character(s) that separate one entry pair from another
{char} NVSep
Character(s) that separate names from values in a single pair
{char} quote
Quote character used for values; if '[', '(', or '{' are used this function will look for the natural closing bracket to end a quoted section.
{Hash} Map of names (attributes) to values

{Object} parsePath()
Converts a standard path into a normalized form. This method will take standard Unix and Windows paths and transform them into a normalized form. It returns this normalized form as an object containing two elements: this.object : the terminal element in the path, e.g. the name of the actual object this.context : the slash-separated path which defines the namespace in which that object is contained. Often these elements will ultimately be assigned to TargetDataName and TargetDataContainer in the output event.
Defined in: utils.js.
{Object} Two-element object that contains an 'object' attribute and a 'context' attribute.

{Hash} parseSyslog()
Parse a Syslog string. Note that this method assumes strict RFC3164 compliance, namely: Mon DD HH:MM:SS (host) (message) Also: Syslog messages lack a year, so this method assumes that events were generated in the current year *except* if the month is December and the current month is January.
Defined in: utils.js.
{Hash} Three-attribute object with date, host, and message from Syslog string

{String[]} safesplit(delim, quote)
Splits a string into substrings based on a delimiter character. The safesplit() method works like the split() method, except that it protects quoted text sections from being split at the delimiter. It will strip quotes from any token that ends up being an entire output token (and will de-escape embedded quotes); otherwise it will leave quotes and escapes intact.

Note: does not support the "howmany" argument from split().


var input1='token1,token2,"token3,including this",token4,token5\\"embedded quote'
var output1=input1.safesplit();
var input2="this (string) used (parentheses) as quote (chars) \(but not this one\)"
var output2=input2.safesplit(" ","(");

Defined in: utils.js.
{char} delim
The delimiter (n char substring) to split the string on - does NOT support empty string
{char} quote
The quote character; if '[', '(', or '{' are used this function will look for the natural closing bracket to end a quoted section.
{String[]} An output array of token strings

{String} trim()
Removes whitespace from the beginning and end of the string.
Defined in: utils.js.
{String} The trimmed string

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