Table SIEM.public.states
Definitions of possible states of incidents

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
stt_id int4 10
incidents.stt_id int_ste_fk R
incidents_rpt_v.stt_id Implied Constraint R
states_rpt_v.stt_id Implied Constraint R
unassigned_incidents_rpt_v.stt_id Implied Constraint R
users.stt_id usr_stt_fk R
users_rpt_v.stt_id Implied Constraint R
Unique identifier for the Status of different Contexts
context varchar 64  √  null Case or Context in abbreviated form
name varchar 64  √  null Detail of the Status of different contexts
terminal_flag varchar 1  √  null Indicates if state of incident is resolved.
date_created timestamptz 35,6 Date the entry was created
date_modified timestamptz 35,6 Date the entry was modified
modified_by int4 10  √  null User who last modified object
created_by int4 10  √  null User who created object

Table contained 0 rows at Mon Mar 26 23:24 EDT 2012

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name Anomalies
stt_id Primary key Asc stt_pk  
context + name Must be unique Asc/Asc stt_context_name_idx These unique columns are also nullable

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