Class IdentityBean

  extended by com.novell.sentinel.client.bean.SentinelBean
      extended by com.novell.db.object.bean.IdentityBean

public class IdentityBean
extends SentinelBean

An automatically-generated "bean" class for the Sentinel data object type 'identity'.

The description of the type is:

"An Identity object contains information about a person in the enterprise that is monitored by the Sentinel system."

The Sentinel data object bean classes are designed to be used to transport data to and from the Sentinel server. There exists a supporting infrastructure that handles the serialization/parsing of the data to/from the JSON transport format and which handles the actual HTTP transport.

A more complete description of Sentinel data object beans is found in the description of SentinelBean.

See Also:
SentinelBean, BeanTransporter

Field Summary
static String CREATOR
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Creator'.
static String CUST_ID
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'CustId'.
static String DATE_CREATED
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateCreated'.
static String DATE_MODIFIED
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateModified'.
static String DEPARTMENT
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Department'.
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DistinguishedName'.
static String FIRST_NAME
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'FirstName'.
static String FULL_NAME
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'FullName'.
static String JOB_TITLE
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'JobTitle'.
static String LAST_NAME
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'LastName'.
static String MODIFIER
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Modifier'.
static String OFFICE_LOC_CODE
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'OfficeCode'.
static String PHOTO
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Photo'.
static String PRIMARY_EMAIL
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'PrimaryEmail'.
static String PRIMARY_PHONE
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'PrimaryPhone'.
static String REL_IDTY_ACCTS
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Idty_Accounts'.
static String REL_IDTY_EXTATTR
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'ExtAttr'.
static String REL_IDTY_MGR
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'IdentityManager'.
static String SRC_IDTY_ID
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'SrcIdtyId'.
static String VAULT_NAME
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'VaultName'.
static String WFID
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'WorkForceId'.
Constructor Summary
          Construct an instance of the bean class.
protected IdentityBean(BeanMetaData<? extends SentinelBean> metadata)
          Constructor for use by derived classes.
Method Summary
 void addToExtAttr(IdentityExtAttributesBean value)
          Add a value to the collection field 'xattrs'.
 void clearCustId()
          Clear any current value for the 'cid' field in the bean.
 void clearDepartment()
          Clear any current value for the 'dept' field in the bean.
 void clearDistinguishedName()
          Clear any current value for the 'dn' field in the bean.
 void clearExtAttr()
          Clear any current value for the 'xattrs' field in the bean.
 void clearFirstName()
          Clear any current value for the 'given' field in the bean.
 void clearFullName()
          Clear any current value for the 'name' field in the bean.
 void clearIdentityManagerLink()
          Clear any current URL value for the 'mgr' field in the bean.
 void clearIdty_AccountsLink()
          Clear any current URL value for the 'accounts' field in the bean.
 void clearJobTitle()
          Clear any current value for the 'title' field in the bean.
 void clearLastName()
          Clear any current value for the 'surname' field in the bean.
 void clearOfficeCode()
          Clear any current value for the 'office' field in the bean.
 void clearPhotoLink()
          Clear any current URL value for the 'img' field in the bean.
 void clearPrimaryEmail()
          Clear any current value for the 'email' field in the bean.
 void clearPrimaryPhone()
          Clear any current value for the 'phone' field in the bean.
 void clearSrcIdtyId()
          Clear any current value for the 'srcid' field in the bean.
 void clearVaultName()
          Clear any current value for the 'idorigin' field in the bean.
 void clearWorkForceId()
          Clear any current value for the 'wfid' field in the bean.
 IdentityBean clone()
          Create a duplicate of this bean instance, including all field values.
static BeanMetaData<? extends IdentityBean> getBeanMetaData()
          Get the metadata class instance for this type.
 String getCreatorLink()
          Get the URL for the 'creator' field.
 long getCustId()
          Get the value for the 'cid' field.
 Date getDateCreated()
          Get the value for the 'createdate' field.
 Date getDateModified()
          Get the value for the 'moddate' field.
 String getDepartment()
          Get the value for the 'dept' field.
 String getDistinguishedName()
          Get the value for the 'dn' field.
 Collection<IdentityExtAttributesBean> getExtAttr()
          Get the value for the 'xattrs' field.
 String getFirstName()
          Get the value for the 'given' field.
 String getFullName()
          Get the value for the 'name' field.
 String getIdentityManagerLink()
          Get the URL for the 'mgr' field.
 String getIdty_AccountsLink()
          Get the URL for the 'accounts' field.
 String getJobTitle()
          Get the value for the 'title' field.
 String getLastName()
          Get the value for the 'surname' field.
 String getModifierLink()
          Get the URL for the 'modifier' field.
 String getOfficeCode()
          Get the value for the 'office' field.
 String getPhotoLink()
          Get the URL for the 'img' field.
 String getPrimaryEmail()
          Get the value for the 'email' field.
 String getPrimaryPhone()
          Get the value for the 'phone' field.
 String getSrcIdtyId()
          Get the value for the 'srcid' field.
 String getVaultName()
          Get the value for the 'idorigin' field.
 String getWorkForceId()
          Get the value for the 'wfid' field.
 boolean isCreatorLinkClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'creator' URL field is clear or not.
 boolean isCreatorLinkNull()
          Get whether the 'creator' URL field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isCustIdClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'cid' field is clear or not.
 boolean isCustIdNull()
          Get whether the 'cid' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isDateCreatedClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'createdate' field is clear or not.
 boolean isDateCreatedNull()
          Get whether the 'createdate' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isDateModifiedClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'moddate' field is clear or not.
 boolean isDateModifiedNull()
          Get whether the 'moddate' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isDepartmentClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'dept' field is clear or not.
 boolean isDepartmentNull()
          Get whether the 'dept' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isDistinguishedNameClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'dn' field is clear or not.
 boolean isDistinguishedNameNull()
          Get whether the 'dn' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isExtAttrClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'xattrs' field is clear or not.
 boolean isExtAttrNull()
          Get whether the 'xattrs' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isFirstNameClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'given' field is clear or not.
 boolean isFirstNameNull()
          Get whether the 'given' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isFullNameClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'name' field is clear or not.
 boolean isFullNameNull()
          Get whether the 'name' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isIdentityManagerLinkClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'mgr' URL field is clear or not.
 boolean isIdentityManagerLinkNull()
          Get whether the 'mgr' URL field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isIdty_AccountsLinkClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'accounts' URL field is clear or not.
 boolean isIdty_AccountsLinkNull()
          Get whether the 'accounts' URL field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isJobTitleClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'title' field is clear or not.
 boolean isJobTitleNull()
          Get whether the 'title' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isLastNameClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'surname' field is clear or not.
 boolean isLastNameNull()
          Get whether the 'surname' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isModifierLinkClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'modifier' URL field is clear or not.
 boolean isModifierLinkNull()
          Get whether the 'modifier' URL field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isOfficeCodeClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'office' field is clear or not.
 boolean isOfficeCodeNull()
          Get whether the 'office' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isPhotoLinkClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'img' URL field is clear or not.
 boolean isPhotoLinkNull()
          Get whether the 'img' URL field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isPrimaryEmailClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'email' field is clear or not.
 boolean isPrimaryEmailNull()
          Get whether the 'email' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isPrimaryPhoneClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'phone' field is clear or not.
 boolean isPrimaryPhoneNull()
          Get whether the 'phone' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isSrcIdtyIdClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'srcid' field is clear or not.
 boolean isSrcIdtyIdNull()
          Get whether the 'srcid' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isVaultNameClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'idorigin' field is clear or not.
 boolean isVaultNameNull()
          Get whether the 'idorigin' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isWorkForceIdClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'wfid' field is clear or not.
 boolean isWorkForceIdNull()
          Get whether the 'wfid' field has been set to Null or not.
 void setCustId(long custId)
          Set the value for the 'cid' field.
 void setCustIdNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'cid' field in the bean.
 void setDepartment(String department)
          Set the value for the 'dept' field.
 void setDepartmentNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'dept' field in the bean.
 void setDistinguishedName(String distinguishedName)
          Set the value for the 'dn' field.
 void setDistinguishedNameNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'dn' field in the bean.
 void setExtAttr(Collection<? extends IdentityExtAttributesBean> extAttr)
          Set the value for the 'xattrs' field.
 void setExtAttrNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'xattrs' field in the bean.
 void setFirstName(String firstName)
          Set the value for the 'given' field.
 void setFirstNameNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'given' field in the bean.
 void setFullName(String fullName)
          Set the value for the 'name' field.
 void setFullNameNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'name' field in the bean.
 void setIdentityManagerLink(String identityManager)
          Set a URL value for the 'mgr' field.
 void setIdentityManagerLinkNull()
          Set to Null any current URL value for the 'mgr' field in the bean.
 void setIdty_AccountsLink(String idty_Accounts)
          Set a URL value for the 'accounts' field.
 void setIdty_AccountsLinkNull()
          Set to Null any current URL value for the 'accounts' field in the bean.
 void setJobTitle(String jobTitle)
          Set the value for the 'title' field.
 void setJobTitleNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'title' field in the bean.
 void setLastName(String lastName)
          Set the value for the 'surname' field.
 void setLastNameNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'surname' field in the bean.
 void setOfficeCode(String officeCode)
          Set the value for the 'office' field.
 void setOfficeCodeNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'office' field in the bean.
 void setPhotoLink(String photo)
          Set a URL value for the 'img' field.
 void setPhotoLinkNull()
          Set to Null any current URL value for the 'img' field in the bean.
 void setPrimaryEmail(String primaryEmail)
          Set the value for the 'email' field.
 void setPrimaryEmailNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'email' field in the bean.
 void setPrimaryPhone(String primaryPhone)
          Set the value for the 'phone' field.
 void setPrimaryPhoneNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'phone' field in the bean.
 void setSrcIdtyId(String srcIdtyId)
          Set the value for the 'srcid' field.
 void setSrcIdtyIdNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'srcid' field in the bean.
 void setVaultName(String vaultName)
          Set the value for the 'idorigin' field.
 void setVaultNameNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'idorigin' field in the bean.
 void setWorkForceId(String workForceId)
          Set the value for the 'wfid' field.
 void setWorkForceIdNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'wfid' field in the bean.
Methods inherited from class com.novell.sentinel.client.bean.SentinelBean
clearField, cloneBean, equals, fields, getBeanName, getBeanValue, getField, getFieldNoNull, getLink, getMetaData, isFieldClear, isFieldNull, isLinkClear, setField, setFieldNull, toString, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String REL_IDTY_ACCTS
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Idty_Accounts'. The value is ""accounts"".

The description of the 'accounts' field is:

"A URL that can be used to list Account objects that are associated with the identity data."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DATE_MODIFIED
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateModified'. The value is ""moddate"".

The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FULL_NAME
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'FullName'. The value is ""name"".

The description of the 'name' field is:

"A combination of given name and surname (and perhaps other names or initials) that identifies the employee represented by the identity data."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CREATOR
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Creator'. The value is ""creator"".

The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DISTINGUISHED_NAME
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DistinguishedName'. The value is ""dn"".

The description of the 'dn' field is:

"The distinguished name, or "DN" of the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String JOB_TITLE
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'JobTitle'. The value is ""title"".

The description of the 'title' field is:

"The job title or position of the employee represented by the identity data."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String VAULT_NAME
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'VaultName'. The value is ""idorigin"".

The description of the 'idorigin' field is:

"Data identifying the source of the identity data in the originating system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String LAST_NAME
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'LastName'. The value is ""surname"".

The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The surname of the employee represented by the identity data."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FIRST_NAME
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'FirstName'. The value is ""given"".

The description of the 'given' field is:

"The given name of the employee represented by the identity data."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String REL_IDTY_MGR
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'IdentityManager'. The value is ""mgr"".

The description of the 'mgr' field is:

"The URL of the manager of the employee represented by the identity data."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CUST_ID
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'CustId'. The value is ""cid"".

The description of the 'cid' field is:

"The customer ID of the MSSP customer to which the identity belongs."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String WFID
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'WorkForceId'. The value is ""wfid"".

The description of the 'wfid' field is:

"The workforce identifier of the employee represented by the identity data."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PRIMARY_PHONE
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'PrimaryPhone'. The value is ""phone"".

The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The telephone number of the employee represented by the identity data."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PRIMARY_EMAIL
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'PrimaryEmail'. The value is ""email"".

The description of the 'email' field is:

"The email address of the employee represented by the identity data."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SRC_IDTY_ID
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'SrcIdtyId'. The value is ""srcid"".

The description of the 'srcid' field is:

"The data that uniquely identifies the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MODIFIER
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Modifier'. The value is ""modifier"".

The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DATE_CREATED
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateCreated'. The value is ""createdate"".

The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEPARTMENT
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Department'. The value is ""dept"".

The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the employee represented by the identity data belongs."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String OFFICE_LOC_CODE
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'OfficeCode'. The value is ""office"".

The description of the 'office' field is:

"The office location identifier of physical office belonging to the employee represented by the identity data."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String REL_IDTY_EXTATTR
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'ExtAttr'. The value is ""xattrs"".

The description of the 'xattrs' field is:

"Name-value pairs that contain additional items of interest about the identity data. For example, additional contact telephone numbers."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PHOTO
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Photo'. The value is ""img"".

The description of the 'img' field is:

"The URL of a photograph depicting the employee represented by the identity data."

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public IdentityBean()
Construct an instance of the bean class.


protected IdentityBean(BeanMetaData<? extends SentinelBean> metadata)
Constructor for use by derived classes.

metadata - The metadata instance for the derived bean class. Normally this constructor will only be called by generated code.
Method Detail


public String getOfficeCode()
Get the value for the 'office' field. The description of the 'office' field is:

"The office location identifier of physical office belonging to the employee represented by the identity data."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isOfficeCodeNull()
Get whether the 'office' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'office' field is:

"The office location identifier of physical office belonging to the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setOfficeCodeNull(), OFFICE_LOC_CODE


public boolean isOfficeCodeClear()
Get whether the value for the 'office' field is clear or not. The description of the 'office' field is:

"The office location identifier of physical office belonging to the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearOfficeCode(), OFFICE_LOC_CODE


public void setOfficeCode(String officeCode)
Set the value for the 'office' field. The description of the 'office' field is:

"The office location identifier of physical office belonging to the employee represented by the identity data."

officeCode - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearOfficeCode()
Clear any current value for the 'office' field in the bean. The description of the 'office' field is:

"The office location identifier of physical office belonging to the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setOfficeCodeNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setOfficeCodeNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'office' field in the bean. The description of the 'office' field is:

"The office location identifier of physical office belonging to the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearOfficeCode() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getPrimaryPhone()
Get the value for the 'phone' field. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The telephone number of the employee represented by the identity data."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isPrimaryPhoneNull()
Get whether the 'phone' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The telephone number of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setPrimaryPhoneNull(), PRIMARY_PHONE


public boolean isPrimaryPhoneClear()
Get whether the value for the 'phone' field is clear or not. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The telephone number of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearPrimaryPhone(), PRIMARY_PHONE


public void setPrimaryPhone(String primaryPhone)
Set the value for the 'phone' field. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The telephone number of the employee represented by the identity data."

primaryPhone - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearPrimaryPhone()
Clear any current value for the 'phone' field in the bean. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The telephone number of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setPrimaryPhoneNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setPrimaryPhoneNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'phone' field in the bean. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The telephone number of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearPrimaryPhone() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public Date getDateModified()
Get the value for the 'moddate' field. The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isDateModifiedNull()
Get whether the 'moddate' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isDateModifiedClear()
Get whether the value for the 'moddate' field is clear or not. The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public Date getDateCreated()
Get the value for the 'createdate' field. The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isDateCreatedNull()
Get whether the 'createdate' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isDateCreatedClear()
Get whether the value for the 'createdate' field is clear or not. The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public String getPhotoLink()
Get the URL for the 'img' field. The description of the 'img' field is:

"The URL of a photograph depicting the employee represented by the identity data."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isPhotoLinkNull()
Get whether the 'img' URL field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'img' field is:

"The URL of a photograph depicting the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setPhotoLinkNull(), PHOTO


public boolean isPhotoLinkClear()
Get whether the value for the 'img' URL field is clear or not. The description of the 'img' field is:

"The URL of a photograph depicting the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearPhotoLink(), PHOTO


public void setPhotoLink(String photo)
Set a URL value for the 'img' field. The description of the 'img' field is:

"The URL of a photograph depicting the employee represented by the identity data."

photo - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearPhotoLink()
Clear any current URL value for the 'img' field in the bean. The description of the 'img' field is:

"The URL of a photograph depicting the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setPhotoLinkNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setPhotoLinkNull()
Set to Null any current URL value for the 'img' field in the bean. The description of the 'img' field is:

"The URL of a photograph depicting the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearPhotoLink() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getWorkForceId()
Get the value for the 'wfid' field. The description of the 'wfid' field is:

"The workforce identifier of the employee represented by the identity data."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isWorkForceIdNull()
Get whether the 'wfid' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'wfid' field is:

"The workforce identifier of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setWorkForceIdNull(), WFID


public boolean isWorkForceIdClear()
Get whether the value for the 'wfid' field is clear or not. The description of the 'wfid' field is:

"The workforce identifier of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearWorkForceId(), WFID


public void setWorkForceId(String workForceId)
Set the value for the 'wfid' field. The description of the 'wfid' field is:

"The workforce identifier of the employee represented by the identity data."

workForceId - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearWorkForceId()
Clear any current value for the 'wfid' field in the bean. The description of the 'wfid' field is:

"The workforce identifier of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setWorkForceIdNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setWorkForceIdNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'wfid' field in the bean. The description of the 'wfid' field is:

"The workforce identifier of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearWorkForceId() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getVaultName()
Get the value for the 'idorigin' field. The description of the 'idorigin' field is:

"Data identifying the source of the identity data in the originating system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isVaultNameNull()
Get whether the 'idorigin' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'idorigin' field is:

"Data identifying the source of the identity data in the originating system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setVaultNameNull(), VAULT_NAME


public boolean isVaultNameClear()
Get whether the value for the 'idorigin' field is clear or not. The description of the 'idorigin' field is:

"Data identifying the source of the identity data in the originating system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearVaultName(), VAULT_NAME


public void setVaultName(String vaultName)
Set the value for the 'idorigin' field. The description of the 'idorigin' field is:

"Data identifying the source of the identity data in the originating system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

vaultName - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearVaultName()
Clear any current value for the 'idorigin' field in the bean. The description of the 'idorigin' field is:

"Data identifying the source of the identity data in the originating system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setVaultNameNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setVaultNameNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'idorigin' field in the bean. The description of the 'idorigin' field is:

"Data identifying the source of the identity data in the originating system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearVaultName() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getLastName()
Get the value for the 'surname' field. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The surname of the employee represented by the identity data."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isLastNameNull()
Get whether the 'surname' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The surname of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setLastNameNull(), LAST_NAME


public boolean isLastNameClear()
Get whether the value for the 'surname' field is clear or not. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The surname of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearLastName(), LAST_NAME


public void setLastName(String lastName)
Set the value for the 'surname' field. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The surname of the employee represented by the identity data."

lastName - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearLastName()
Clear any current value for the 'surname' field in the bean. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The surname of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setLastNameNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setLastNameNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'surname' field in the bean. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The surname of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearLastName() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getSrcIdtyId()
Get the value for the 'srcid' field. The description of the 'srcid' field is:

"The data that uniquely identifies the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isSrcIdtyIdNull()
Get whether the 'srcid' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'srcid' field is:

"The data that uniquely identifies the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setSrcIdtyIdNull(), SRC_IDTY_ID


public boolean isSrcIdtyIdClear()
Get whether the value for the 'srcid' field is clear or not. The description of the 'srcid' field is:

"The data that uniquely identifies the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearSrcIdtyId(), SRC_IDTY_ID


public void setSrcIdtyId(String srcIdtyId)
Set the value for the 'srcid' field. The description of the 'srcid' field is:

"The data that uniquely identifies the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

srcIdtyId - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearSrcIdtyId()
Clear any current value for the 'srcid' field in the bean. The description of the 'srcid' field is:

"The data that uniquely identifies the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setSrcIdtyIdNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setSrcIdtyIdNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'srcid' field in the bean. The description of the 'srcid' field is:

"The data that uniquely identifies the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearSrcIdtyId() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public long getCustId()
Get the value for the 'cid' field. The description of the 'cid' field is:

"The customer ID of the MSSP customer to which the identity belongs."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isCustIdNull()
Get whether the 'cid' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'cid' field is:

"The customer ID of the MSSP customer to which the identity belongs."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setCustIdNull(), CUST_ID


public boolean isCustIdClear()
Get whether the value for the 'cid' field is clear or not. The description of the 'cid' field is:

"The customer ID of the MSSP customer to which the identity belongs."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearCustId(), CUST_ID


public void setCustId(long custId)
Set the value for the 'cid' field. The description of the 'cid' field is:

"The customer ID of the MSSP customer to which the identity belongs."

custId - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearCustId()
Clear any current value for the 'cid' field in the bean. The description of the 'cid' field is:

"The customer ID of the MSSP customer to which the identity belongs."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setCustIdNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setCustIdNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'cid' field in the bean. The description of the 'cid' field is:

"The customer ID of the MSSP customer to which the identity belongs."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearCustId() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getJobTitle()
Get the value for the 'title' field. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The job title or position of the employee represented by the identity data."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isJobTitleNull()
Get whether the 'title' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The job title or position of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setJobTitleNull(), JOB_TITLE


public boolean isJobTitleClear()
Get whether the value for the 'title' field is clear or not. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The job title or position of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearJobTitle(), JOB_TITLE


public void setJobTitle(String jobTitle)
Set the value for the 'title' field. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The job title or position of the employee represented by the identity data."

jobTitle - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearJobTitle()
Clear any current value for the 'title' field in the bean. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The job title or position of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setJobTitleNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setJobTitleNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'title' field in the bean. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The job title or position of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearJobTitle() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getFirstName()
Get the value for the 'given' field. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The given name of the employee represented by the identity data."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isFirstNameNull()
Get whether the 'given' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The given name of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setFirstNameNull(), FIRST_NAME


public boolean isFirstNameClear()
Get whether the value for the 'given' field is clear or not. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The given name of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearFirstName(), FIRST_NAME


public void setFirstName(String firstName)
Set the value for the 'given' field. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The given name of the employee represented by the identity data."

firstName - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearFirstName()
Clear any current value for the 'given' field in the bean. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The given name of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setFirstNameNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setFirstNameNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'given' field in the bean. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The given name of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearFirstName() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getPrimaryEmail()
Get the value for the 'email' field. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The email address of the employee represented by the identity data."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isPrimaryEmailNull()
Get whether the 'email' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The email address of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setPrimaryEmailNull(), PRIMARY_EMAIL


public boolean isPrimaryEmailClear()
Get whether the value for the 'email' field is clear or not. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The email address of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearPrimaryEmail(), PRIMARY_EMAIL


public void setPrimaryEmail(String primaryEmail)
Set the value for the 'email' field. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The email address of the employee represented by the identity data."

primaryEmail - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearPrimaryEmail()
Clear any current value for the 'email' field in the bean. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The email address of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setPrimaryEmailNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setPrimaryEmailNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'email' field in the bean. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The email address of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearPrimaryEmail() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getFullName()
Get the value for the 'name' field. The description of the 'name' field is:

"A combination of given name and surname (and perhaps other names or initials) that identifies the employee represented by the identity data."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isFullNameNull()
Get whether the 'name' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'name' field is:

"A combination of given name and surname (and perhaps other names or initials) that identifies the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setFullNameNull(), FULL_NAME


public boolean isFullNameClear()
Get whether the value for the 'name' field is clear or not. The description of the 'name' field is:

"A combination of given name and surname (and perhaps other names or initials) that identifies the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearFullName(), FULL_NAME


public void setFullName(String fullName)
Set the value for the 'name' field. The description of the 'name' field is:

"A combination of given name and surname (and perhaps other names or initials) that identifies the employee represented by the identity data."

fullName - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearFullName()
Clear any current value for the 'name' field in the bean. The description of the 'name' field is:

"A combination of given name and surname (and perhaps other names or initials) that identifies the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setFullNameNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setFullNameNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'name' field in the bean. The description of the 'name' field is:

"A combination of given name and surname (and perhaps other names or initials) that identifies the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearFullName() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getDistinguishedName()
Get the value for the 'dn' field. The description of the 'dn' field is:

"The distinguished name, or "DN" of the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isDistinguishedNameNull()
Get whether the 'dn' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'dn' field is:

"The distinguished name, or "DN" of the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setDistinguishedNameNull(), DISTINGUISHED_NAME


public boolean isDistinguishedNameClear()
Get whether the value for the 'dn' field is clear or not. The description of the 'dn' field is:

"The distinguished name, or "DN" of the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearDistinguishedName(), DISTINGUISHED_NAME


public void setDistinguishedName(String distinguishedName)
Set the value for the 'dn' field. The description of the 'dn' field is:

"The distinguished name, or "DN" of the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

distinguishedName - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearDistinguishedName()
Clear any current value for the 'dn' field in the bean. The description of the 'dn' field is:

"The distinguished name, or "DN" of the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setDistinguishedNameNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setDistinguishedNameNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'dn' field in the bean. The description of the 'dn' field is:

"The distinguished name, or "DN" of the identity record in the source system that supplied the identity data to Sentinel."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearDistinguishedName() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getDepartment()
Get the value for the 'dept' field. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the employee represented by the identity data belongs."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isDepartmentNull()
Get whether the 'dept' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the employee represented by the identity data belongs."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setDepartmentNull(), DEPARTMENT


public boolean isDepartmentClear()
Get whether the value for the 'dept' field is clear or not. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the employee represented by the identity data belongs."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearDepartment(), DEPARTMENT


public void setDepartment(String department)
Set the value for the 'dept' field. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the employee represented by the identity data belongs."

department - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearDepartment()
Clear any current value for the 'dept' field in the bean. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the employee represented by the identity data belongs."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setDepartmentNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setDepartmentNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'dept' field in the bean. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the employee represented by the identity data belongs."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearDepartment() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getModifierLink()
Get the URL for the 'modifier' field. The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isModifierLinkNull()
Get whether the 'modifier' URL field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isModifierLinkClear()
Get whether the value for the 'modifier' URL field is clear or not. The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public String getIdty_AccountsLink()
Get the URL for the 'accounts' field. The description of the 'accounts' field is:

"A URL that can be used to list Account objects that are associated with the identity data."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isIdty_AccountsLinkNull()
Get whether the 'accounts' URL field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'accounts' field is:

"A URL that can be used to list Account objects that are associated with the identity data."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setIdty_AccountsLinkNull(), REL_IDTY_ACCTS


public boolean isIdty_AccountsLinkClear()
Get whether the value for the 'accounts' URL field is clear or not. The description of the 'accounts' field is:

"A URL that can be used to list Account objects that are associated with the identity data."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearIdty_AccountsLink(), REL_IDTY_ACCTS


public void setIdty_AccountsLink(String idty_Accounts)
Set a URL value for the 'accounts' field. The description of the 'accounts' field is:

"A URL that can be used to list Account objects that are associated with the identity data."

idty_Accounts - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearIdty_AccountsLink()
Clear any current URL value for the 'accounts' field in the bean. The description of the 'accounts' field is:

"A URL that can be used to list Account objects that are associated with the identity data."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setIdty_AccountsLinkNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setIdty_AccountsLinkNull()
Set to Null any current URL value for the 'accounts' field in the bean. The description of the 'accounts' field is:

"A URL that can be used to list Account objects that are associated with the identity data."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearIdty_AccountsLink() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public Collection<IdentityExtAttributesBean> getExtAttr()
Get the value for the 'xattrs' field. The description of the 'xattrs' field is:

"Name-value pairs that contain additional items of interest about the identity data. For example, additional contact telephone numbers."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isExtAttrNull()
Get whether the 'xattrs' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'xattrs' field is:

"Name-value pairs that contain additional items of interest about the identity data. For example, additional contact telephone numbers."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setExtAttrNull(), REL_IDTY_EXTATTR


public boolean isExtAttrClear()
Get whether the value for the 'xattrs' field is clear or not. The description of the 'xattrs' field is:

"Name-value pairs that contain additional items of interest about the identity data. For example, additional contact telephone numbers."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearExtAttr(), REL_IDTY_EXTATTR


public void setExtAttr(Collection<? extends IdentityExtAttributesBean> extAttr)
Set the value for the 'xattrs' field. The description of the 'xattrs' field is:

"Name-value pairs that contain additional items of interest about the identity data. For example, additional contact telephone numbers."

extAttr - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearExtAttr()
Clear any current value for the 'xattrs' field in the bean. The description of the 'xattrs' field is:

"Name-value pairs that contain additional items of interest about the identity data. For example, additional contact telephone numbers."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setExtAttrNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setExtAttrNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'xattrs' field in the bean. The description of the 'xattrs' field is:

"Name-value pairs that contain additional items of interest about the identity data. For example, additional contact telephone numbers."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearExtAttr() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public void addToExtAttr(IdentityExtAttributesBean value)
Add a value to the collection field 'xattrs'. The description of the 'xattrs' field is:

"Name-value pairs that contain additional items of interest about the identity data. For example, additional contact telephone numbers."

value - Value to add to collection.
See Also:


public String getIdentityManagerLink()
Get the URL for the 'mgr' field. The description of the 'mgr' field is:

"The URL of the manager of the employee represented by the identity data."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isIdentityManagerLinkNull()
Get whether the 'mgr' URL field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'mgr' field is:

"The URL of the manager of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setIdentityManagerLinkNull(), REL_IDTY_MGR


public boolean isIdentityManagerLinkClear()
Get whether the value for the 'mgr' URL field is clear or not. The description of the 'mgr' field is:

"The URL of the manager of the employee represented by the identity data."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearIdentityManagerLink(), REL_IDTY_MGR


public void setIdentityManagerLink(String identityManager)
Set a URL value for the 'mgr' field. The description of the 'mgr' field is:

"The URL of the manager of the employee represented by the identity data."

identityManager - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearIdentityManagerLink()
Clear any current URL value for the 'mgr' field in the bean. The description of the 'mgr' field is:

"The URL of the manager of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setIdentityManagerLinkNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setIdentityManagerLinkNull()
Set to Null any current URL value for the 'mgr' field in the bean. The description of the 'mgr' field is:

"The URL of the manager of the employee represented by the identity data."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearIdentityManagerLink() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getCreatorLink()
Get the URL for the 'creator' field. The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isCreatorLinkNull()
Get whether the 'creator' URL field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isCreatorLinkClear()
Get whether the value for the 'creator' URL field is clear or not. The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public static BeanMetaData<? extends IdentityBean> getBeanMetaData()
Get the metadata class instance for this type.

The metadata is used primarily as a parameter to a BeanTransporter implementation''s constructor.


public IdentityBean clone()
Create a duplicate of this bean instance, including all field values.

clone in class Object