Class UserBean

  extended by com.novell.sentinel.client.bean.SentinelBean
      extended by com.novell.db.object.bean.UserBean

public class UserBean
extends SentinelBean

An automatically-generated "bean" class for the Sentinel data object type 'user'.

The description of the type is:

"A User object contains information about a user account in the Sentinel system."

The Sentinel data object bean classes are designed to be used to transport data to and from the Sentinel server. There exists a supporting infrastructure that handles the serialization/parsing of the data to/from the JSON transport format and which handles the actual HTTP transport.

A more complete description of Sentinel data object beans is found in the description of SentinelBean.

See Also:
SentinelBean, BeanTransporter

Nested Class Summary
static class UserBean.AuthSourceType
          An enumerated type representing values for the field 'auth-source'.
static class UserBean.StateType
          An enumerated type representing values for the field 'state'.
Field Summary
static String AUTH_DN
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'AuthDn'.
static String AUTH_SOURCE
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'AuthSource'.
static String CELL
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Cell'.
static String CREATOR
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Creator'.
static String DATE_CREATED
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateCreated'.
static String DATE_MODIFIED
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateModified'.
static String DEPARTMENT
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Department'.
static String DESCRIPTION
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Description'.
static String EMAIL
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Email'.
static String GIVEN_NAME
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'GivenName'.
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'GroupMembership'.
static String MODIFIER
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Modifier'.
static String NAME
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Name'.
static String OLDPASSWORD
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'OldPassword'.
static String OTHER
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Other'.
static String PASSWORD
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Password'.
static String PERMISSIONS
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Permissions'.
static String PHONE
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Phone'.
static String REL_USER_STATE
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'State'.
static String REL_USER_TAGS
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Tags'.
static String SURNAME
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Surname'.
static String SYSTEM_USER
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'SystemUser'.
static String TITLE
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Title'.
Constructor Summary
          Construct an instance of the bean class.
protected UserBean(BeanMetaData<? extends SentinelBean> metadata)
          Constructor for use by derived classes.
Method Summary
 void addToGroupMembership(String value)
          Add a value to the collection field 'roles'.
 void addToTags(String value)
          Add a value to the collection field 'tags'.
 void clearAuthDn()
          Clear any current value for the 'auth-dn' field in the bean.
 void clearAuthSource()
          Clear any current value for the 'auth-source' field in the bean.
 void clearCell()
          Clear any current value for the 'cell' field in the bean.
 void clearDepartment()
          Clear any current value for the 'dept' field in the bean.
 void clearDescription()
          Clear any current value for the 'desc' field in the bean.
 void clearEmail()
          Clear any current value for the 'email' field in the bean.
 void clearGivenName()
          Clear any current value for the 'given' field in the bean.
 void clearGroupMembership()
          Clear any current value for the 'roles' field in the bean.
 void clearName()
          Clear any current value for the 'name' field in the bean.
 void clearOldPassword()
          Clear any current value for the 'old-password' field in the bean.
 void clearOther()
          Clear any current value for the 'fax' field in the bean.
 void clearPassword()
          Clear any current value for the 'password' field in the bean.
 void clearPhone()
          Clear any current value for the 'phone' field in the bean.
 void clearState()
          Clear any current value for the 'state' field in the bean.
 void clearSurname()
          Clear any current value for the 'surname' field in the bean.
 void clearTags()
          Clear any current value for the 'tags' field in the bean.
 void clearTitle()
          Clear any current value for the 'title' field in the bean.
 UserBean clone()
          Create a duplicate of this bean instance, including all field values.
 String getAuthDn()
          Get the value for the 'auth-dn' field.
 UserBean.AuthSourceType getAuthSource()
          Get the value for the 'auth-source' field.
static BeanMetaData<? extends UserBean> getBeanMetaData()
          Get the metadata class instance for this type.
 String getCell()
          Get the value for the 'cell' field.
 String getCreatorLink()
          Get the URL for the 'creator' field.
 Date getDateCreated()
          Get the value for the 'createdate' field.
 Date getDateModified()
          Get the value for the 'moddate' field.
 String getDepartment()
          Get the value for the 'dept' field.
 String getDescription()
          Get the value for the 'desc' field.
 String getEmail()
          Get the value for the 'email' field.
 String getGivenName()
          Get the value for the 'given' field.
 Collection<String> getGroupMembership()
          Get the value for the 'roles' field.
 String getModifierLink()
          Get the URL for the 'modifier' field.
 String getName()
          Get the value for the 'name' field.
 String getOldPassword()
          Get the value for the 'old-password' field.
 String getOther()
          Get the value for the 'fax' field.
 String getPassword()
          Get the value for the 'password' field.
 UserPermissionsBean getPermissions()
          Get the value for the 'perms' field.
 String getPhone()
          Get the value for the 'phone' field.
 UserBean.StateType getState()
          Get the value for the 'state' field.
 String getSurname()
          Get the value for the 'surname' field.
 Collection<String> getTags()
          Get the value for the 'tags' field.
 String getTitle()
          Get the value for the 'title' field.
 boolean isAuthDnClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'auth-dn' field is clear or not.
 boolean isAuthDnNull()
          Get whether the 'auth-dn' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isAuthSourceClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'auth-source' field is clear or not.
 boolean isAuthSourceNull()
          Get whether the 'auth-source' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isCellClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'cell' field is clear or not.
 boolean isCellNull()
          Get whether the 'cell' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isCreatorLinkClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'creator' URL field is clear or not.
 boolean isCreatorLinkNull()
          Get whether the 'creator' URL field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isDateCreatedClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'createdate' field is clear or not.
 boolean isDateCreatedNull()
          Get whether the 'createdate' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isDateModifiedClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'moddate' field is clear or not.
 boolean isDateModifiedNull()
          Get whether the 'moddate' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isDepartmentClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'dept' field is clear or not.
 boolean isDepartmentNull()
          Get whether the 'dept' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isDescriptionClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'desc' field is clear or not.
 boolean isDescriptionNull()
          Get whether the 'desc' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isEmailClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'email' field is clear or not.
 boolean isEmailNull()
          Get whether the 'email' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isGivenNameClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'given' field is clear or not.
 boolean isGivenNameNull()
          Get whether the 'given' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isGroupMembershipClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'roles' field is clear or not.
 boolean isGroupMembershipNull()
          Get whether the 'roles' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isModifierLinkClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'modifier' URL field is clear or not.
 boolean isModifierLinkNull()
          Get whether the 'modifier' URL field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isNameClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'name' field is clear or not.
 boolean isNameNull()
          Get whether the 'name' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isOldPasswordClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'old-password' field is clear or not.
 boolean isOldPasswordNull()
          Get whether the 'old-password' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isOtherClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'fax' field is clear or not.
 boolean isOtherNull()
          Get whether the 'fax' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isPasswordClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'password' field is clear or not.
 boolean isPasswordNull()
          Get whether the 'password' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isPermissionsClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'perms' field is clear or not.
 boolean isPermissionsNull()
          Get whether the 'perms' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isPhoneClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'phone' field is clear or not.
 boolean isPhoneNull()
          Get whether the 'phone' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isStateClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'state' field is clear or not.
 boolean isStateNull()
          Get whether the 'state' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isSurnameClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'surname' field is clear or not.
 boolean isSurnameNull()
          Get whether the 'surname' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isSystemUser()
          Get the value for the 'sys' field.
 boolean isSystemUserClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'sys' field is clear or not.
 boolean isSystemUserNull()
          Get whether the 'sys' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isTagsClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'tags' field is clear or not.
 boolean isTagsNull()
          Get whether the 'tags' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isTitleClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'title' field is clear or not.
 boolean isTitleNull()
          Get whether the 'title' field has been set to Null or not.
 void setAuthDn(String authDn)
          Set the value for the 'auth-dn' field.
 void setAuthDnNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'auth-dn' field in the bean.
 void setAuthSource(UserBean.AuthSourceType authSource)
          Set the value for the 'auth-source' field.
 void setAuthSourceNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'auth-source' field in the bean.
 void setCell(String cell)
          Set the value for the 'cell' field.
 void setCellNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'cell' field in the bean.
 void setDepartment(String department)
          Set the value for the 'dept' field.
 void setDepartmentNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'dept' field in the bean.
 void setDescription(String description)
          Set the value for the 'desc' field.
 void setDescriptionNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'desc' field in the bean.
 void setEmail(String email)
          Set the value for the 'email' field.
 void setEmailNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'email' field in the bean.
 void setGivenName(String givenName)
          Set the value for the 'given' field.
 void setGivenNameNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'given' field in the bean.
 void setGroupMembership(Collection<? extends String> groupMembership)
          Set the value for the 'roles' field.
 void setGroupMembershipNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'roles' field in the bean.
 void setName(String name)
          Set the value for the 'name' field.
 void setNameNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'name' field in the bean.
 void setOldPassword(String oldPassword)
          Set the value for the 'old-password' field.
 void setOldPasswordNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'old-password' field in the bean.
 void setOther(String other)
          Set the value for the 'fax' field.
 void setOtherNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'fax' field in the bean.
 void setPassword(String password)
          Set the value for the 'password' field.
 void setPasswordNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'password' field in the bean.
 void setPhone(String phone)
          Set the value for the 'phone' field.
 void setPhoneNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'phone' field in the bean.
 void setState(UserBean.StateType state)
          Set the value for the 'state' field.
 void setStateNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'state' field in the bean.
 void setSurname(String surname)
          Set the value for the 'surname' field.
 void setSurnameNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'surname' field in the bean.
 void setTags(Collection<? extends String> tags)
          Set the value for the 'tags' field.
 void setTagsNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'tags' field in the bean.
 void setTitle(String title)
          Set the value for the 'title' field.
 void setTitleNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'title' field in the bean.
Methods inherited from class com.novell.sentinel.client.bean.SentinelBean
clearField, cloneBean, equals, fields, getBeanName, getBeanValue, getField, getFieldNoNull, getLink, getMetaData, isFieldClear, isFieldNull, isLinkClear, setField, setFieldNull, toString, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String AUTH_SOURCE
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'AuthSource'. The value is ""auth-source"".

The description of the 'auth-source' field is:

"The source used by Sentinel to authenticate a user's password during an authentication request."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DATE_MODIFIED
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateModified'. The value is ""moddate"".

The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String NAME
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Name'. The value is ""name"".

The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name that the user supplies to log in to Sentinel."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String AUTH_DN
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'AuthDn'. The value is ""auth-dn"".

The description of the 'auth-dn' field is:

"If a user has an authentication source other than "DATABASE"" (e.g., "LDAP") this value can be used to identify the corresponding user account in the authentication source."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SURNAME
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Surname'. The value is ""surname"".

The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The user's family name."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PERMISSIONS
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Permissions'. The value is ""perms"".

The description of the 'perms' field is:

"A description of the user's permissions in the Sentinel system."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DESCRIPTION
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Description'. The value is ""desc"".

The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A description of the user account."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String OTHER
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Other'. The value is ""fax"".

The description of the 'fax' field is:

"A secondary contact number or other value. The Sentinel user interface displays this as "Fax"."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String OLDPASSWORD
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'OldPassword'. The value is ""old-password"".

The description of the 'old-password' field is:

"The user's existing password value. This is treated as "write-only" and is only used when a user is changing the value of the user's own password. It is never returned from the server."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CREATOR
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Creator'. The value is ""creator"".

The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String GROUPMEMBERSHIP
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'GroupMembership'. The value is ""roles"".

The description of the 'roles' field is:

"The user's role memberships."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String REL_USER_STATE
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'State'. The value is ""state"".

The description of the 'state' field is:

"The user's current state. One of the following three values: "ACTIVE", "LOCKED", "INACTIVE". "INACTIVE" indicates a "deleted" user account."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PHONE
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Phone'. The value is ""phone"".

The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The user's contact telephone number."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String GIVEN_NAME
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'GivenName'. The value is ""given"".

The description of the 'given' field is:

"The user's given name."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CELL
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Cell'. The value is ""cell"".

The description of the 'cell' field is:

"The user's mobile phone number."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SYSTEM_USER
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'SystemUser'. The value is ""sys"".

The description of the 'sys' field is:

"If this value is true it indicates that the user account is an internal account used by Sentinel. For example, a distributed search target creates a system user for the purposes of executing a search on behalf of a search console."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String EMAIL
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Email'. The value is ""email"".

The description of the 'email' field is:

"The user's contact email address."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MODIFIER
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Modifier'. The value is ""modifier"".

The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DATE_CREATED
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateCreated'. The value is ""createdate"".

The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PASSWORD
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Password'. The value is ""password"".

The description of the 'password' field is:

"The user's password value. This is treated as "write-only". In other words, it is only used when creating a user account or when changing a user account's password. It is never returned from the server."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEPARTMENT
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Department'. The value is ""dept"".

The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the user belongs."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String REL_USER_TAGS
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Tags'. The value is ""tags"".

The description of the 'tags' field is:

"The user's "favorite" tags."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String TITLE
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Title'. The value is ""title"".

The description of the 'title' field is:

"The user's job title."

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public UserBean()
Construct an instance of the bean class.


protected UserBean(BeanMetaData<? extends SentinelBean> metadata)
Constructor for use by derived classes.

metadata - The metadata instance for the derived bean class. Normally this constructor will only be called by generated code.
Method Detail


public String getAuthDn()
Get the value for the 'auth-dn' field. The description of the 'auth-dn' field is:

"If a user has an authentication source other than "DATABASE"" (e.g., "LDAP") this value can be used to identify the corresponding user account in the authentication source."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isAuthDnNull()
Get whether the 'auth-dn' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'auth-dn' field is:

"If a user has an authentication source other than "DATABASE"" (e.g., "LDAP") this value can be used to identify the corresponding user account in the authentication source."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setAuthDnNull(), AUTH_DN


public boolean isAuthDnClear()
Get whether the value for the 'auth-dn' field is clear or not. The description of the 'auth-dn' field is:

"If a user has an authentication source other than "DATABASE"" (e.g., "LDAP") this value can be used to identify the corresponding user account in the authentication source."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearAuthDn(), AUTH_DN


public void setAuthDn(String authDn)
Set the value for the 'auth-dn' field. The description of the 'auth-dn' field is:

"If a user has an authentication source other than "DATABASE"" (e.g., "LDAP") this value can be used to identify the corresponding user account in the authentication source."

authDn - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearAuthDn()
Clear any current value for the 'auth-dn' field in the bean. The description of the 'auth-dn' field is:

"If a user has an authentication source other than "DATABASE"" (e.g., "LDAP") this value can be used to identify the corresponding user account in the authentication source."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setAuthDnNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setAuthDnNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'auth-dn' field in the bean. The description of the 'auth-dn' field is:

"If a user has an authentication source other than "DATABASE"" (e.g., "LDAP") this value can be used to identify the corresponding user account in the authentication source."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearAuthDn() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getPhone()
Get the value for the 'phone' field. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The user's contact telephone number."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isPhoneNull()
Get whether the 'phone' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The user's contact telephone number."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setPhoneNull(), PHONE


public boolean isPhoneClear()
Get whether the value for the 'phone' field is clear or not. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The user's contact telephone number."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearPhone(), PHONE


public void setPhone(String phone)
Set the value for the 'phone' field. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The user's contact telephone number."

phone - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearPhone()
Clear any current value for the 'phone' field in the bean. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The user's contact telephone number."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setPhoneNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setPhoneNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'phone' field in the bean. The description of the 'phone' field is:

"The user's contact telephone number."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearPhone() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public Date getDateModified()
Get the value for the 'moddate' field. The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isDateModifiedNull()
Get whether the 'moddate' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isDateModifiedClear()
Get whether the value for the 'moddate' field is clear or not. The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public UserPermissionsBean getPermissions()
Get the value for the 'perms' field. The description of the 'perms' field is:

"A description of the user's permissions in the Sentinel system."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isPermissionsNull()
Get whether the 'perms' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'perms' field is:

"A description of the user's permissions in the Sentinel system."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isPermissionsClear()
Get whether the value for the 'perms' field is clear or not. The description of the 'perms' field is:

"A description of the user's permissions in the Sentinel system."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public String getDescription()
Get the value for the 'desc' field. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A description of the user account."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isDescriptionNull()
Get whether the 'desc' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A description of the user account."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setDescriptionNull(), DESCRIPTION


public boolean isDescriptionClear()
Get whether the value for the 'desc' field is clear or not. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A description of the user account."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearDescription(), DESCRIPTION


public void setDescription(String description)
Set the value for the 'desc' field. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A description of the user account."

description - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearDescription()
Clear any current value for the 'desc' field in the bean. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A description of the user account."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setDescriptionNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setDescriptionNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'desc' field in the bean. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A description of the user account."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearDescription() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getOther()
Get the value for the 'fax' field. The description of the 'fax' field is:

"A secondary contact number or other value. The Sentinel user interface displays this as "Fax"."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isOtherNull()
Get whether the 'fax' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'fax' field is:

"A secondary contact number or other value. The Sentinel user interface displays this as "Fax"."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setOtherNull(), OTHER


public boolean isOtherClear()
Get whether the value for the 'fax' field is clear or not. The description of the 'fax' field is:

"A secondary contact number or other value. The Sentinel user interface displays this as "Fax"."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearOther(), OTHER


public void setOther(String other)
Set the value for the 'fax' field. The description of the 'fax' field is:

"A secondary contact number or other value. The Sentinel user interface displays this as "Fax"."

other - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearOther()
Clear any current value for the 'fax' field in the bean. The description of the 'fax' field is:

"A secondary contact number or other value. The Sentinel user interface displays this as "Fax"."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setOtherNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setOtherNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'fax' field in the bean. The description of the 'fax' field is:

"A secondary contact number or other value. The Sentinel user interface displays this as "Fax"."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearOther() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public UserBean.AuthSourceType getAuthSource()
Get the value for the 'auth-source' field. The description of the 'auth-source' field is:

"The source used by Sentinel to authenticate a user's password during an authentication request."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isAuthSourceNull()
Get whether the 'auth-source' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'auth-source' field is:

"The source used by Sentinel to authenticate a user's password during an authentication request."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setAuthSourceNull(), AUTH_SOURCE


public boolean isAuthSourceClear()
Get whether the value for the 'auth-source' field is clear or not. The description of the 'auth-source' field is:

"The source used by Sentinel to authenticate a user's password during an authentication request."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearAuthSource(), AUTH_SOURCE


public void setAuthSource(UserBean.AuthSourceType authSource)
Set the value for the 'auth-source' field. The description of the 'auth-source' field is:

"The source used by Sentinel to authenticate a user's password during an authentication request."

authSource - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearAuthSource()
Clear any current value for the 'auth-source' field in the bean. The description of the 'auth-source' field is:

"The source used by Sentinel to authenticate a user's password during an authentication request."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setAuthSourceNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setAuthSourceNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'auth-source' field in the bean. The description of the 'auth-source' field is:

"The source used by Sentinel to authenticate a user's password during an authentication request."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearAuthSource() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public boolean isSystemUser()
Get the value for the 'sys' field. The description of the 'sys' field is:

"If this value is true it indicates that the user account is an internal account used by Sentinel. For example, a distributed search target creates a system user for the purposes of executing a search on behalf of a search console."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isSystemUserNull()
Get whether the 'sys' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'sys' field is:

"If this value is true it indicates that the user account is an internal account used by Sentinel. For example, a distributed search target creates a system user for the purposes of executing a search on behalf of a search console."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isSystemUserClear()
Get whether the value for the 'sys' field is clear or not. The description of the 'sys' field is:

"If this value is true it indicates that the user account is an internal account used by Sentinel. For example, a distributed search target creates a system user for the purposes of executing a search on behalf of a search console."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public String getOldPassword()
Get the value for the 'old-password' field. The description of the 'old-password' field is:

"The user's existing password value. This is treated as "write-only" and is only used when a user is changing the value of the user's own password. It is never returned from the server."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isOldPasswordNull()
Get whether the 'old-password' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'old-password' field is:

"The user's existing password value. This is treated as "write-only" and is only used when a user is changing the value of the user's own password. It is never returned from the server."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setOldPasswordNull(), OLDPASSWORD


public boolean isOldPasswordClear()
Get whether the value for the 'old-password' field is clear or not. The description of the 'old-password' field is:

"The user's existing password value. This is treated as "write-only" and is only used when a user is changing the value of the user's own password. It is never returned from the server."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearOldPassword(), OLDPASSWORD


public void setOldPassword(String oldPassword)
Set the value for the 'old-password' field. The description of the 'old-password' field is:

"The user's existing password value. This is treated as "write-only" and is only used when a user is changing the value of the user's own password. It is never returned from the server."

oldPassword - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearOldPassword()
Clear any current value for the 'old-password' field in the bean. The description of the 'old-password' field is:

"The user's existing password value. This is treated as "write-only" and is only used when a user is changing the value of the user's own password. It is never returned from the server."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setOldPasswordNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setOldPasswordNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'old-password' field in the bean. The description of the 'old-password' field is:

"The user's existing password value. This is treated as "write-only" and is only used when a user is changing the value of the user's own password. It is never returned from the server."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearOldPassword() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getCell()
Get the value for the 'cell' field. The description of the 'cell' field is:

"The user's mobile phone number."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isCellNull()
Get whether the 'cell' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'cell' field is:

"The user's mobile phone number."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setCellNull(), CELL


public boolean isCellClear()
Get whether the value for the 'cell' field is clear or not. The description of the 'cell' field is:

"The user's mobile phone number."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearCell(), CELL


public void setCell(String cell)
Set the value for the 'cell' field. The description of the 'cell' field is:

"The user's mobile phone number."

cell - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearCell()
Clear any current value for the 'cell' field in the bean. The description of the 'cell' field is:

"The user's mobile phone number."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setCellNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setCellNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'cell' field in the bean. The description of the 'cell' field is:

"The user's mobile phone number."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearCell() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public Date getDateCreated()
Get the value for the 'createdate' field. The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isDateCreatedNull()
Get whether the 'createdate' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isDateCreatedClear()
Get whether the value for the 'createdate' field is clear or not. The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public String getSurname()
Get the value for the 'surname' field. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The user's family name."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isSurnameNull()
Get whether the 'surname' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The user's family name."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setSurnameNull(), SURNAME


public boolean isSurnameClear()
Get whether the value for the 'surname' field is clear or not. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The user's family name."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearSurname(), SURNAME


public void setSurname(String surname)
Set the value for the 'surname' field. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The user's family name."

surname - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearSurname()
Clear any current value for the 'surname' field in the bean. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The user's family name."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setSurnameNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setSurnameNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'surname' field in the bean. The description of the 'surname' field is:

"The user's family name."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearSurname() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getPassword()
Get the value for the 'password' field. The description of the 'password' field is:

"The user's password value. This is treated as "write-only". In other words, it is only used when creating a user account or when changing a user account's password. It is never returned from the server."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isPasswordNull()
Get whether the 'password' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'password' field is:

"The user's password value. This is treated as "write-only". In other words, it is only used when creating a user account or when changing a user account's password. It is never returned from the server."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setPasswordNull(), PASSWORD


public boolean isPasswordClear()
Get whether the value for the 'password' field is clear or not. The description of the 'password' field is:

"The user's password value. This is treated as "write-only". In other words, it is only used when creating a user account or when changing a user account's password. It is never returned from the server."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearPassword(), PASSWORD


public void setPassword(String password)
Set the value for the 'password' field. The description of the 'password' field is:

"The user's password value. This is treated as "write-only". In other words, it is only used when creating a user account or when changing a user account's password. It is never returned from the server."

password - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearPassword()
Clear any current value for the 'password' field in the bean. The description of the 'password' field is:

"The user's password value. This is treated as "write-only". In other words, it is only used when creating a user account or when changing a user account's password. It is never returned from the server."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setPasswordNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setPasswordNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'password' field in the bean. The description of the 'password' field is:

"The user's password value. This is treated as "write-only". In other words, it is only used when creating a user account or when changing a user account's password. It is never returned from the server."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearPassword() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getTitle()
Get the value for the 'title' field. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The user's job title."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isTitleNull()
Get whether the 'title' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The user's job title."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setTitleNull(), TITLE


public boolean isTitleClear()
Get whether the value for the 'title' field is clear or not. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The user's job title."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearTitle(), TITLE


public void setTitle(String title)
Set the value for the 'title' field. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The user's job title."

title - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearTitle()
Clear any current value for the 'title' field in the bean. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The user's job title."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setTitleNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setTitleNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'title' field in the bean. The description of the 'title' field is:

"The user's job title."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearTitle() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getGivenName()
Get the value for the 'given' field. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The user's given name."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isGivenNameNull()
Get whether the 'given' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The user's given name."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setGivenNameNull(), GIVEN_NAME


public boolean isGivenNameClear()
Get whether the value for the 'given' field is clear or not. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The user's given name."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearGivenName(), GIVEN_NAME


public void setGivenName(String givenName)
Set the value for the 'given' field. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The user's given name."

givenName - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearGivenName()
Clear any current value for the 'given' field in the bean. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The user's given name."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setGivenNameNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setGivenNameNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'given' field in the bean. The description of the 'given' field is:

"The user's given name."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearGivenName() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getEmail()
Get the value for the 'email' field. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The user's contact email address."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isEmailNull()
Get whether the 'email' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The user's contact email address."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setEmailNull(), EMAIL


public boolean isEmailClear()
Get whether the value for the 'email' field is clear or not. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The user's contact email address."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearEmail(), EMAIL


public void setEmail(String email)
Set the value for the 'email' field. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The user's contact email address."

email - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearEmail()
Clear any current value for the 'email' field in the bean. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The user's contact email address."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setEmailNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setEmailNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'email' field in the bean. The description of the 'email' field is:

"The user's contact email address."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearEmail() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getName()
Get the value for the 'name' field. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name that the user supplies to log in to Sentinel."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isNameNull()
Get whether the 'name' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name that the user supplies to log in to Sentinel."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setNameNull(), NAME


public boolean isNameClear()
Get whether the value for the 'name' field is clear or not. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name that the user supplies to log in to Sentinel."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearName(), NAME


public void setName(String name)
Set the value for the 'name' field. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name that the user supplies to log in to Sentinel."

name - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearName()
Clear any current value for the 'name' field in the bean. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name that the user supplies to log in to Sentinel."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setNameNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setNameNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'name' field in the bean. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name that the user supplies to log in to Sentinel."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearName() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getDepartment()
Get the value for the 'dept' field. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the user belongs."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isDepartmentNull()
Get whether the 'dept' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the user belongs."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setDepartmentNull(), DEPARTMENT


public boolean isDepartmentClear()
Get whether the value for the 'dept' field is clear or not. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the user belongs."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearDepartment(), DEPARTMENT


public void setDepartment(String department)
Set the value for the 'dept' field. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the user belongs."

department - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearDepartment()
Clear any current value for the 'dept' field in the bean. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the user belongs."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setDepartmentNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setDepartmentNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'dept' field in the bean. The description of the 'dept' field is:

"The department to which the user belongs."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearDepartment() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getModifierLink()
Get the URL for the 'modifier' field. The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isModifierLinkNull()
Get whether the 'modifier' URL field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isModifierLinkClear()
Get whether the value for the 'modifier' URL field is clear or not. The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public Collection<String> getTags()
Get the value for the 'tags' field. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"The user's "favorite" tags."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isTagsNull()
Get whether the 'tags' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"The user's "favorite" tags."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setTagsNull(), REL_USER_TAGS


public boolean isTagsClear()
Get whether the value for the 'tags' field is clear or not. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"The user's "favorite" tags."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearTags(), REL_USER_TAGS


public void setTags(Collection<? extends String> tags)
Set the value for the 'tags' field. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"The user's "favorite" tags."

tags - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearTags()
Clear any current value for the 'tags' field in the bean. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"The user's "favorite" tags."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setTagsNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setTagsNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'tags' field in the bean. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"The user's "favorite" tags."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearTags() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public void addToTags(String value)
Add a value to the collection field 'tags'. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"The user's "favorite" tags."

value - Value to add to collection.
See Also:


public Collection<String> getGroupMembership()
Get the value for the 'roles' field. The description of the 'roles' field is:

"The user's role memberships."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isGroupMembershipNull()
Get whether the 'roles' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'roles' field is:

"The user's role memberships."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setGroupMembershipNull(), GROUPMEMBERSHIP


public boolean isGroupMembershipClear()
Get whether the value for the 'roles' field is clear or not. The description of the 'roles' field is:

"The user's role memberships."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearGroupMembership(), GROUPMEMBERSHIP


public void setGroupMembership(Collection<? extends String> groupMembership)
Set the value for the 'roles' field. The description of the 'roles' field is:

"The user's role memberships."

groupMembership - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearGroupMembership()
Clear any current value for the 'roles' field in the bean. The description of the 'roles' field is:

"The user's role memberships."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setGroupMembershipNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setGroupMembershipNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'roles' field in the bean. The description of the 'roles' field is:

"The user's role memberships."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearGroupMembership() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public void addToGroupMembership(String value)
Add a value to the collection field 'roles'. The description of the 'roles' field is:

"The user's role memberships."

value - Value to add to collection.
See Also:


public UserBean.StateType getState()
Get the value for the 'state' field. The description of the 'state' field is:

"The user's current state. One of the following three values: "ACTIVE", "LOCKED", "INACTIVE". "INACTIVE" indicates a "deleted" user account."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isStateNull()
Get whether the 'state' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'state' field is:

"The user's current state. One of the following three values: "ACTIVE", "LOCKED", "INACTIVE". "INACTIVE" indicates a "deleted" user account."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setStateNull(), REL_USER_STATE


public boolean isStateClear()
Get whether the value for the 'state' field is clear or not. The description of the 'state' field is:

"The user's current state. One of the following three values: "ACTIVE", "LOCKED", "INACTIVE". "INACTIVE" indicates a "deleted" user account."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearState(), REL_USER_STATE


public void setState(UserBean.StateType state)
Set the value for the 'state' field. The description of the 'state' field is:

"The user's current state. One of the following three values: "ACTIVE", "LOCKED", "INACTIVE". "INACTIVE" indicates a "deleted" user account."

state - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearState()
Clear any current value for the 'state' field in the bean. The description of the 'state' field is:

"The user's current state. One of the following three values: "ACTIVE", "LOCKED", "INACTIVE". "INACTIVE" indicates a "deleted" user account."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setStateNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setStateNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'state' field in the bean. The description of the 'state' field is:

"The user's current state. One of the following three values: "ACTIVE", "LOCKED", "INACTIVE". "INACTIVE" indicates a "deleted" user account."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearState() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getCreatorLink()
Get the URL for the 'creator' field. The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isCreatorLinkNull()
Get whether the 'creator' URL field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isCreatorLinkClear()
Get whether the value for the 'creator' URL field is clear or not. The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public static BeanMetaData<? extends UserBean> getBeanMetaData()
Get the metadata class instance for this type.

The metadata is used primarily as a parameter to a BeanTransporter implementation''s constructor.


public UserBean clone()
Create a duplicate of this bean instance, including all field values.

clone in class Object