Class UserGroupBean

  extended by com.novell.sentinel.client.bean.SentinelBean
      extended by com.novell.db.object.bean.UserGroupBean

public class UserGroupBean
extends SentinelBean

An automatically-generated "bean" class for the Sentinel data object type 'role'.

The description of the type is:

"A UserGroup, or Role, defines permissions and other information that user accounts may have. User accounts gain permissions by virtue of role membership."

The Sentinel data object bean classes are designed to be used to transport data to and from the Sentinel server. There exists a supporting infrastructure that handles the serialization/parsing of the data to/from the JSON transport format and which handles the actual HTTP transport.

A more complete description of Sentinel data object beans is found in the description of SentinelBean.

See Also:
SentinelBean, BeanTransporter

Field Summary
static String ALLOW_ALL_EVENTS
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'AllowAllEvents'.
static String CREATOR
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Creator'.
static String DATE_CREATED
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateCreated'.
static String DATE_MODIFIED
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateModified'.
static String FILTER
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'EventFilter'.
static String GROUP_DESC
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'GroupDescription'.
static String GROUP_NAME
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'GroupName'.
static String IS_ADMIN
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'IsAdmin'.
static String MEMBERS
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Members'.
static String MODIFIER
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Modifier'.
static String READ_ONLY
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'ReadOnly'.
static String REL_GROUP_TAGS
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Tags'.
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'UserGroupConsoleSLMs'.
          The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'UserGroupPermissions'.
Constructor Summary
          Construct an instance of the bean class.
protected UserGroupBean(BeanMetaData<? extends SentinelBean> metadata)
          Constructor for use by derived classes.
Method Summary
 void addToMembers(String value)
          Add a value to the collection field 'members'.
 void addToTags(String value)
          Add a value to the collection field 'tags'.
 void addToUserGroupPermissions(UserGroupPermissionBean value)
          Add a value to the collection field 'perms'.
 void clearAllowAllEvents()
          Clear any current value for the 'all-events' field in the bean.
 void clearEventFilter()
          Clear any current value for the 'filter' field in the bean.
 void clearGroupDescription()
          Clear any current value for the 'desc' field in the bean.
 void clearGroupName()
          Clear any current value for the 'name' field in the bean.
 void clearMembers()
          Clear any current value for the 'members' field in the bean.
 void clearTags()
          Clear any current value for the 'tags' field in the bean.
 void clearUserGroupPermissions()
          Clear any current value for the 'perms' field in the bean.
 UserGroupBean clone()
          Create a duplicate of this bean instance, including all field values.
static BeanMetaData<? extends UserGroupBean> getBeanMetaData()
          Get the metadata class instance for this type.
 String getCreatorLink()
          Get the URL for the 'creator' field.
 Date getDateCreated()
          Get the value for the 'createdate' field.
 Date getDateModified()
          Get the value for the 'moddate' field.
 String getEventFilter()
          Get the value for the 'filter' field.
 String getGroupDescription()
          Get the value for the 'desc' field.
 String getGroupName()
          Get the value for the 'name' field.
 Collection<String> getMembers()
          Get the value for the 'members' field.
 String getModifierLink()
          Get the URL for the 'modifier' field.
 Collection<String> getTags()
          Get the value for the 'tags' field.
 Collection<String> getUserGroupConsoleSLMs()
          Get the value for the 'search-initiators' field.
 Collection<UserGroupPermissionBean> getUserGroupPermissions()
          Get the value for the 'perms' field.
 boolean isAllowAllEvents()
          Get the value for the 'all-events' field.
 boolean isAllowAllEventsClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'all-events' field is clear or not.
 boolean isAllowAllEventsNull()
          Get whether the 'all-events' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isCreatorLinkClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'creator' URL field is clear or not.
 boolean isCreatorLinkNull()
          Get whether the 'creator' URL field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isDateCreatedClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'createdate' field is clear or not.
 boolean isDateCreatedNull()
          Get whether the 'createdate' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isDateModifiedClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'moddate' field is clear or not.
 boolean isDateModifiedNull()
          Get whether the 'moddate' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isEventFilterClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'filter' field is clear or not.
 boolean isEventFilterNull()
          Get whether the 'filter' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isGroupDescriptionClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'desc' field is clear or not.
 boolean isGroupDescriptionNull()
          Get whether the 'desc' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isGroupNameClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'name' field is clear or not.
 boolean isGroupNameNull()
          Get whether the 'name' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isIsAdmin()
          Get the value for the 'isadmin' field.
 boolean isIsAdminClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'isadmin' field is clear or not.
 boolean isIsAdminNull()
          Get whether the 'isadmin' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isMembersClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'members' field is clear or not.
 boolean isMembersNull()
          Get whether the 'members' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isModifierLinkClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'modifier' URL field is clear or not.
 boolean isModifierLinkNull()
          Get whether the 'modifier' URL field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Get the value for the 'readonly' field.
 boolean isReadOnlyClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'readonly' field is clear or not.
 boolean isReadOnlyNull()
          Get whether the 'readonly' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isTagsClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'tags' field is clear or not.
 boolean isTagsNull()
          Get whether the 'tags' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isUserGroupConsoleSLMsClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'search-initiators' field is clear or not.
 boolean isUserGroupConsoleSLMsNull()
          Get whether the 'search-initiators' field has been set to Null or not.
 boolean isUserGroupPermissionsClear()
          Get whether the value for the 'perms' field is clear or not.
 boolean isUserGroupPermissionsNull()
          Get whether the 'perms' field has been set to Null or not.
 void setAllowAllEvents(boolean allowAllEvents)
          Set the value for the 'all-events' field.
 void setAllowAllEventsNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'all-events' field in the bean.
 void setEventFilter(String eventFilter)
          Set the value for the 'filter' field.
 void setEventFilterNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'filter' field in the bean.
 void setGroupDescription(String groupDescription)
          Set the value for the 'desc' field.
 void setGroupDescriptionNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'desc' field in the bean.
 void setGroupName(String groupName)
          Set the value for the 'name' field.
 void setGroupNameNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'name' field in the bean.
 void setMembers(Collection<? extends String> members)
          Set the value for the 'members' field.
 void setMembersNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'members' field in the bean.
 void setTags(Collection<? extends String> tags)
          Set the value for the 'tags' field.
 void setTagsNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'tags' field in the bean.
 void setUserGroupPermissions(Collection<? extends UserGroupPermissionBean> userGroupPermissions)
          Set the value for the 'perms' field.
 void setUserGroupPermissionsNull()
          Set to Null any current value for the 'perms' field in the bean.
Methods inherited from class com.novell.sentinel.client.bean.SentinelBean
clearField, cloneBean, equals, fields, getBeanName, getBeanValue, getField, getFieldNoNull, getLink, getMetaData, isFieldClear, isFieldNull, isLinkClear, setField, setFieldNull, toString, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String DATE_MODIFIED
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateModified'. The value is ""moddate"".

The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String ALLOW_ALL_EVENTS
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'AllowAllEvents'. The value is ""all-events"".

The description of the 'all-events' field is:

"If true, users belong to this role may view all events unfiltered, including system events. If false, the filter value is applied limiting the events role members may view."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String USERGROUPCONSOLESLMS
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'UserGroupConsoleSLMs'. The value is ""search-initiators"".

The description of the 'search-initiators' field is:

"A list of references to any search initiator objects that are associated with this role for the purposes of Distributed Search."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String CREATOR
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Creator'. The value is ""creator"".

The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String USERGROUPPERMISSIONS
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'UserGroupPermissions'. The value is ""perms"".

The description of the 'perms' field is:

"The collection of permission definitions assigned to this role."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String IS_ADMIN
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'IsAdmin'. The value is ""isadmin"".

The description of the 'isadmin' field is:

"If true, indicates that members of this role have administrator privileges."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String FILTER
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'EventFilter'. The value is ""filter"".

The description of the 'filter' field is:

"The filter that is applied to event searches performed by users belonging to this role. The event filter is only applied if all-events is false."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String GROUP_DESC
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'GroupDescription'. The value is ""desc"".

The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A short description of the Role to help users understand the Role's purpose."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MEMBERS
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Members'. The value is ""members"".

The description of the 'members' field is:

"A list of references to user objects that are members of this role."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String GROUP_NAME
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'GroupName'. The value is ""name"".

The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name by which the Role is referred to in the user interface and APIs."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DATE_CREATED
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'DateCreated'. The value is ""createdate"".

The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MODIFIER
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Modifier'. The value is ""modifier"".

The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String REL_GROUP_TAGS
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'Tags'. The value is ""tags"".

The description of the 'tags' field is:

"A list of tag names that are associated with this role."

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String READ_ONLY
The "bean name" of the Sentinel data object field 'ReadOnly'. The value is ""readonly"".

The description of the 'readonly' field is:

"If true, indicates that this role may not be modified."

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public UserGroupBean()
Construct an instance of the bean class.


protected UserGroupBean(BeanMetaData<? extends SentinelBean> metadata)
Constructor for use by derived classes.

metadata - The metadata instance for the derived bean class. Normally this constructor will only be called by generated code.
Method Detail


public Date getDateModified()
Get the value for the 'moddate' field. The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isDateModifiedNull()
Get whether the 'moddate' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isDateModifiedClear()
Get whether the value for the 'moddate' field is clear or not. The description of the 'moddate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was last modified."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public String getGroupDescription()
Get the value for the 'desc' field. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A short description of the Role to help users understand the Role's purpose."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isGroupDescriptionNull()
Get whether the 'desc' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A short description of the Role to help users understand the Role's purpose."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setGroupDescriptionNull(), GROUP_DESC


public boolean isGroupDescriptionClear()
Get whether the value for the 'desc' field is clear or not. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A short description of the Role to help users understand the Role's purpose."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearGroupDescription(), GROUP_DESC


public void setGroupDescription(String groupDescription)
Set the value for the 'desc' field. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A short description of the Role to help users understand the Role's purpose."

groupDescription - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearGroupDescription()
Clear any current value for the 'desc' field in the bean. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A short description of the Role to help users understand the Role's purpose."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setGroupDescriptionNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setGroupDescriptionNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'desc' field in the bean. The description of the 'desc' field is:

"A short description of the Role to help users understand the Role's purpose."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearGroupDescription() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public boolean isAllowAllEvents()
Get the value for the 'all-events' field. The description of the 'all-events' field is:

"If true, users belong to this role may view all events unfiltered, including system events. If false, the filter value is applied limiting the events role members may view."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isAllowAllEventsNull()
Get whether the 'all-events' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'all-events' field is:

"If true, users belong to this role may view all events unfiltered, including system events. If false, the filter value is applied limiting the events role members may view."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setAllowAllEventsNull(), ALLOW_ALL_EVENTS


public boolean isAllowAllEventsClear()
Get whether the value for the 'all-events' field is clear or not. The description of the 'all-events' field is:

"If true, users belong to this role may view all events unfiltered, including system events. If false, the filter value is applied limiting the events role members may view."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearAllowAllEvents(), ALLOW_ALL_EVENTS


public void setAllowAllEvents(boolean allowAllEvents)
Set the value for the 'all-events' field. The description of the 'all-events' field is:

"If true, users belong to this role may view all events unfiltered, including system events. If false, the filter value is applied limiting the events role members may view."

allowAllEvents - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearAllowAllEvents()
Clear any current value for the 'all-events' field in the bean. The description of the 'all-events' field is:

"If true, users belong to this role may view all events unfiltered, including system events. If false, the filter value is applied limiting the events role members may view."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setAllowAllEventsNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setAllowAllEventsNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'all-events' field in the bean. The description of the 'all-events' field is:

"If true, users belong to this role may view all events unfiltered, including system events. If false, the filter value is applied limiting the events role members may view."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearAllowAllEvents() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getGroupName()
Get the value for the 'name' field. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name by which the Role is referred to in the user interface and APIs."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isGroupNameNull()
Get whether the 'name' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name by which the Role is referred to in the user interface and APIs."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setGroupNameNull(), GROUP_NAME


public boolean isGroupNameClear()
Get whether the value for the 'name' field is clear or not. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name by which the Role is referred to in the user interface and APIs."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearGroupName(), GROUP_NAME


public void setGroupName(String groupName)
Set the value for the 'name' field. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name by which the Role is referred to in the user interface and APIs."

groupName - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearGroupName()
Clear any current value for the 'name' field in the bean. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name by which the Role is referred to in the user interface and APIs."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setGroupNameNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setGroupNameNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'name' field in the bean. The description of the 'name' field is:

"The name by which the Role is referred to in the user interface and APIs."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearGroupName() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public Date getDateCreated()
Get the value for the 'createdate' field. The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isDateCreatedNull()
Get whether the 'createdate' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isDateCreatedClear()
Get whether the value for the 'createdate' field is clear or not. The description of the 'createdate' field is:

"The date and time when the object was created."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isReadOnly()
Get the value for the 'readonly' field. The description of the 'readonly' field is:

"If true, indicates that this role may not be modified."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isReadOnlyNull()
Get whether the 'readonly' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'readonly' field is:

"If true, indicates that this role may not be modified."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isReadOnlyClear()
Get whether the value for the 'readonly' field is clear or not. The description of the 'readonly' field is:

"If true, indicates that this role may not be modified."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isIsAdmin()
Get the value for the 'isadmin' field. The description of the 'isadmin' field is:

"If true, indicates that members of this role have administrator privileges."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isIsAdminNull()
Get whether the 'isadmin' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'isadmin' field is:

"If true, indicates that members of this role have administrator privileges."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isIsAdminClear()
Get whether the value for the 'isadmin' field is clear or not. The description of the 'isadmin' field is:

"If true, indicates that members of this role have administrator privileges."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public String getEventFilter()
Get the value for the 'filter' field. The description of the 'filter' field is:

"The filter that is applied to event searches performed by users belonging to this role. The event filter is only applied if all-events is false."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isEventFilterNull()
Get whether the 'filter' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'filter' field is:

"The filter that is applied to event searches performed by users belonging to this role. The event filter is only applied if all-events is false."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setEventFilterNull(), FILTER


public boolean isEventFilterClear()
Get whether the value for the 'filter' field is clear or not. The description of the 'filter' field is:

"The filter that is applied to event searches performed by users belonging to this role. The event filter is only applied if all-events is false."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearEventFilter(), FILTER


public void setEventFilter(String eventFilter)
Set the value for the 'filter' field. The description of the 'filter' field is:

"The filter that is applied to event searches performed by users belonging to this role. The event filter is only applied if all-events is false."

eventFilter - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearEventFilter()
Clear any current value for the 'filter' field in the bean. The description of the 'filter' field is:

"The filter that is applied to event searches performed by users belonging to this role. The event filter is only applied if all-events is false."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setEventFilterNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setEventFilterNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'filter' field in the bean. The description of the 'filter' field is:

"The filter that is applied to event searches performed by users belonging to this role. The event filter is only applied if all-events is false."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearEventFilter() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public String getModifierLink()
Get the URL for the 'modifier' field. The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isModifierLinkNull()
Get whether the 'modifier' URL field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isModifierLinkClear()
Get whether the value for the 'modifier' URL field is clear or not. The description of the 'modifier' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the last modifier of the object."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public Collection<String> getTags()
Get the value for the 'tags' field. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"A list of tag names that are associated with this role."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isTagsNull()
Get whether the 'tags' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"A list of tag names that are associated with this role."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setTagsNull(), REL_GROUP_TAGS


public boolean isTagsClear()
Get whether the value for the 'tags' field is clear or not. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"A list of tag names that are associated with this role."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearTags(), REL_GROUP_TAGS


public void setTags(Collection<? extends String> tags)
Set the value for the 'tags' field. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"A list of tag names that are associated with this role."

tags - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearTags()
Clear any current value for the 'tags' field in the bean. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"A list of tag names that are associated with this role."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setTagsNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setTagsNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'tags' field in the bean. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"A list of tag names that are associated with this role."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearTags() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public void addToTags(String value)
Add a value to the collection field 'tags'. The description of the 'tags' field is:

"A list of tag names that are associated with this role."

value - Value to add to collection.
See Also:


public Collection<UserGroupPermissionBean> getUserGroupPermissions()
Get the value for the 'perms' field. The description of the 'perms' field is:

"The collection of permission definitions assigned to this role."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isUserGroupPermissionsNull()
Get whether the 'perms' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'perms' field is:

"The collection of permission definitions assigned to this role."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setUserGroupPermissionsNull(), USERGROUPPERMISSIONS


public boolean isUserGroupPermissionsClear()
Get whether the value for the 'perms' field is clear or not. The description of the 'perms' field is:

"The collection of permission definitions assigned to this role."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearUserGroupPermissions(), USERGROUPPERMISSIONS


public void setUserGroupPermissions(Collection<? extends UserGroupPermissionBean> userGroupPermissions)
Set the value for the 'perms' field. The description of the 'perms' field is:

"The collection of permission definitions assigned to this role."

userGroupPermissions - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearUserGroupPermissions()
Clear any current value for the 'perms' field in the bean. The description of the 'perms' field is:

"The collection of permission definitions assigned to this role."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setUserGroupPermissionsNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setUserGroupPermissionsNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'perms' field in the bean. The description of the 'perms' field is:

"The collection of permission definitions assigned to this role."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearUserGroupPermissions() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public void addToUserGroupPermissions(UserGroupPermissionBean value)
Add a value to the collection field 'perms'. The description of the 'perms' field is:

"The collection of permission definitions assigned to this role."

value - Value to add to collection.
See Also:


public Collection<String> getMembers()
Get the value for the 'members' field. The description of the 'members' field is:

"A list of references to user objects that are members of this role."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isMembersNull()
Get whether the 'members' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'members' field is:

"A list of references to user objects that are members of this role."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:
setMembersNull(), MEMBERS


public boolean isMembersClear()
Get whether the value for the 'members' field is clear or not. The description of the 'members' field is:

"A list of references to user objects that are members of this role."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:
clearMembers(), MEMBERS


public void setMembers(Collection<? extends String> members)
Set the value for the 'members' field. The description of the 'members' field is:

"A list of references to user objects that are members of this role."

members - Value to set
See Also:


public void clearMembers()
Clear any current value for the 'members' field in the bean. The description of the 'members' field is:

"A list of references to user objects that are members of this role."

Using this method will not clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the setMembersNull() method to clear the server's value.

See the description of cleared values.

See Also:


public void setMembersNull()
Set to Null any current value for the 'members' field in the bean. The description of the 'members' field is:

"A list of references to user objects that are members of this role."

Using this method will clear the server value when the bean is PUT to the server. Use the clearMembers() method to avoid clearing the server's value.

See the description of Null values.

See Also:


public void addToMembers(String value)
Add a value to the collection field 'members'. The description of the 'members' field is:

"A list of references to user objects that are members of this role."

value - Value to add to collection.
See Also:


public Collection<String> getUserGroupConsoleSLMs()
Get the value for the 'search-initiators' field. The description of the 'search-initiators' field is:

"A list of references to any search initiator objects that are associated with this role for the purposes of Distributed Search."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isUserGroupConsoleSLMsNull()
Get whether the 'search-initiators' field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'search-initiators' field is:

"A list of references to any search initiator objects that are associated with this role for the purposes of Distributed Search."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isUserGroupConsoleSLMsClear()
Get whether the value for the 'search-initiators' field is clear or not. The description of the 'search-initiators' field is:

"A list of references to any search initiator objects that are associated with this role for the purposes of Distributed Search."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public String getCreatorLink()
Get the URL for the 'creator' field. The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

The field's value in the bean instance, if any (may return null).
See Also:


public boolean isCreatorLinkNull()
Get whether the 'creator' URL field has been set to Null or not. The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

See the description of Null values.

true if the field value has been marked as null, false otherwise.
See Also:


public boolean isCreatorLinkClear()
Get whether the value for the 'creator' URL field is clear or not. The description of the 'creator' field is:

"The URL of the Sentinel User object that represents the creator of the object."

See the description of cleared values.

true if the field value has been cleared, false otherwise.
See Also:


public static BeanMetaData<? extends UserGroupBean> getBeanMetaData()
Get the metadata class instance for this type.

The metadata is used primarily as a parameter to a BeanTransporter implementation''s constructor.


public UserGroupBean clone()
Create a duplicate of this bean instance, including all field values.

clone in class Object