
Class Summary
HttpRequestorAsyncJava<T> A base implementation class for asynchronous HttpRequestor instances used in Java (as opposed to GWT).
HttpRequestorSyncJava<T> Implementation of HttpRequestor that synchronously issues HTTP requests and returns the results of those requests.
JavaRequestorBase<T> Base implementation for synchronous and asynchronous HttpRequestor interfaces.
JavaRequestorBase.DefaultHostnameVerifier Implementation of HostnameVerifier that returns true regardless of the hostname.
JavaRequestorBase.TestTrustManager A TrustManager implementation useful only for testing.
JavaRequestorJSONHandler A helper implementation class that provides implementations of protected abstract methods required by JavaRequestorBase.
JSONHttpRequestorJava An asynchronous implementation of the HttpRequestor interface that uses JSON as the transport data type.
JSONHttpRequestorJavaSync A synchronous implementation of the HttpRequestor interface that uses JSON as the transport data type.