Make sure the following requirements are met by the system where you will install the Client Login Extension.
The Client Login Extension works with the native Microsoft GINA, Microsoft Credential Provider, Novell Client 2 SP1 or later and Novell SecureLogin 7.0 SP1.
Client Login Extension does not work with any GINA implementation that alters the functionality of Microsoft GINA. However, GINA customized for branding purpose on Microsoft GINA can be configured to work with Client Login Extension. For more information on cutomizing GINA, see Configuring Custom GINA.
You can use the Client Login Extension with the following Windows workstation versions:
Windows 2003 workstation
Windows XP workstation
Windows Vista
Windows 7
NOTE:In Windows Vista (64-bit) operating systems, Client Login Extension support is available for Enterprise Editions only.
You can use the Client Login Extension with the following Identity Manager versions:
Identity Manager 3.5 and 3.5.1
Identity Manager 3.6 and 3.6.1
Identity Manager 4.0 and 4.0.1
You can use the Client Login Extension with the following .NET Framework versions:
.NET 1.1
.NET 2
.NET 3
.NET 3.5