Uses of Class

Uses of GridObjectInfo in com.novell.zos.jdl

Subclasses of GridObjectInfo in com.novell.zos.jdl
 class GroupInfo
          The GroupInfo class is a representation of Group grid objects.
 class Job
          The Job class is a representation of a running job instance.
 class JobInfo
          The JobInfo class is a representation of a deployed Job.
 class Joblet
          The Joblet class defines execution on the resource.
 class JobletInfo
          JobletInfo is a representation of the Joblet Grid Object created when a Job calls schedule() to create Joblets.
 class MatrixInfo
          The MatrixInfo class is a representation of the matrix grid object.
 class PolicyInfo
          Representation of a Policy Object.
 class ProvisionJoblet
          Superclass for Provision Adapter (PA) Joblets desiring to use hooks (pre & post event) infrastructure.
 class RepositoryInfo
          RepositoryInfo is a representation of a Repository Grid Object.
 class ResourceInfo
          ResourceInfo is a representation of a Resource Grid Object.
 class UserInfo
          UserInfo is a representation of a User Grid Object.
 class VbridgeInfo
          VbridgeInfo is a representation of a Vbridge Grid Object.
 class VdiskInfo
          VdiskInfo is a representation of a Vdisk Grid Object.
 class VmHostClusterInfo
          VmHostClusterInfo is a representation of a Clustered VM Host Grid Object.
 class VMHostInfo
          The VmHostInfo class is a representation of a VM host grid object.
 class VnicInfo
          VnicInfo is a representation of a Vnic Grid Object.

Methods in com.novell.zos.jdl that return GridObjectInfo
 GridObjectInfo MatrixInfo.createGridObject(java.lang.String objectType, java.lang.String objectName)
          Create a Grid Object using supplied type and name.
 GridObjectInfo VMHostInfo.createVbridge(java.lang.String bridgeName)
          Create a new Vbridge Grid Object associated with this physical resource.
 GridObjectInfo ResourceInfo.createVdisk()
          Create a new Vdisk Grid Object attached to this VM resource.
 GridObjectInfo ResourceInfo.createVdisk(java.lang.String diskName)
          Create a new Vdisk Grid Object attached to this VM resource using supplied name.
 GridObjectInfo ResourceInfo.createVmHost(java.lang.String provisionAdapter)
          Create a new Vm Host Grid Object associated with this physical resource.
 GridObjectInfo ResourceInfo.createVmHostCluster(java.lang.String provisionAdapter)
          Create a new Vm Host Cluster Grid Object associated with this physical resource.
 GridObjectInfo ResourceInfo.createVnic()
          Create a new Vnic Grid Object associated with this VM resource.
 GridObjectInfo MatrixInfo.getGridObject(java.lang.String objectType, java.lang.String objectName)
          Retrieve a named Grid Object of the requested type.
 GridObjectInfo VMHostInfo.getVbridge(java.lang.String bridgeName)
          Fetch a Vbridge Grid Object associated with this physical resource.
 GridObjectInfo ResourceInfo.getVmHost(java.lang.String provisionAdapter)
          Retrieve an existing Vm Host Grid Object associated with this physical resource.
 GridObjectInfo ResourceInfo.getVmHostCluster(java.lang.String provisionAdapter)
          Retrieve an existing Vm Host Grid Object associated with this physical resource.

Methods in com.novell.zos.jdl with parameters of type GridObjectInfo
 void GroupInfo.addMember(GridObjectInfo member)
          Add a member to this group
 void PolicyInfo.associate(GridObjectInfo gridObject)
          Associate a grid object with this policy.
 void GroupInfo.removeMember(GridObjectInfo member)
          Remove a member from this group by grid object
 void PolicyInfo.unassociate(GridObjectInfo gridObject)
          Unassociate a Grid Object with this policy.

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