Uses of Class

Uses of ParameterSpace in com.novell.zos.jdl

Methods in com.novell.zos.jdl with parameters of type ParameterSpace
 void Job.schedule(org.python.core.PyType jobletClass, ParameterSpace parameterSpace, org.python.core.PyDictionary params)
          Schedule a set of joblets using the passed ParameterSpace as the basis for joblet assignment.
 void Job.schedule(org.python.core.PyType jobletClass, ParameterSpace parameterSpace, org.python.core.PyDictionary params, int jobletCount)
          Schedule a set of joblets using the passed ParameterSpace as the basis for joblet assignment.
 void Job.schedule(org.python.core.PyType jobletClass, ParameterSpace parameterSpace, org.python.core.PyDictionary params, int jobletCount, org.python.core.PyMethod allocate)
          Schedule a set of joblets using the passed ParameterSpace as the basis for joblet assignment.

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