Uses of Class

Packages that use GridException

Uses of GridException in com.novell.zos.constraint

Subclasses of GridException in com.novell.zos.constraint
 class ConstraintException
          For exceptions that occur in parsing or executing constraints.

Uses of GridException in com.novell.zos.grid

Subclasses of GridException in com.novell.zos.grid
 class ClientOutOfDateException
          Grid exception indicating the client is not compatible with the server.
 class FactException
          For exceptions that occur in accessing or setting facts.
 class GridAuthenticationException
          Thrown when authentication is denied by the server.
 class GridAuthorizationException
          Thrown when credentials are insufficient for the desired grid operation.
 class GridConfigurationException
          Grid exception thrown to indicate a Grid configuration error.
 class GridDeploymentException
          Thrown when credentials are insufficient for the desired grid operation.
 class GridObjectNotFoundException
          Thrown when a grid object lookup does not find the requested object.

Methods in com.novell.zos.grid that throw GridException
 void ClientAgent.cancelJob(String jobID)
          Cancel the referenced job.
 void ClientAgent.cancelJob(String jobID, String reason)
          Cancel the referenced job with a reason string.
 boolean path, OutputStream out)
          Write the contents of a datagrid file to a supplied OutputStream.
 void ClientAgent.changePassword(Credential newCredential)
          Deprecated. This method no longer works in the new session based message comms environment. The old credential is no longer stored on the local disc, and must be supplied in the request message over an encrypted message connection. Use ClientAgent.changePassword(Credential,Credential) instead.
 void ClientAgent.changePassword(Credential oldCredential, Credential newCredential)
          Change the user password.
 void ClientAgent.changePriority(String jobID, int priority)
          Change the priority of the referenced job.
 void ClientAgent.copy(String src, String dest, boolean recursive)
          Copies files or directories into and out of the datagrid.
 void ClientAgent.dataGridCancel()
          Cancel datagrid operations executing on behalf of the client.
 void ClientAgent.delete(String path, boolean recursive)
          Delete files or directories in the datagrid.
 GridFile[] ClientAgent.dir(String path)
          List files or directories in the datagrid.
 void ClientAgent.disconnect()
          Logout an agent.
 void ClientAgent.failJob(String jobID)
          Fail the referenced job
 void ClientAgent.failJob(String jobID, String reason)
          Fail the referenced job with a a reason
 void ClientAgent.follow(String path, OutputStream out, OutputStream err, String watchJob, Long maxUnch, Long offset, Long count, Long interval, Long refresh, Long timeout, boolean offsetLines, boolean retry, boolean quiet, boolean byName, boolean countLines)
          Output and/or follow the contents of a grid file in real time.
 String[] ClientAgent.getAvailableJobs()
          Retrieve all the available jobs to run for the user.
 GridObjectInfo ClientAgent.getGridObjectInfo(String gridObjectType, String gridObjectName)
          Return the grid object for a given name and type.
 String[] ClientAgent.getGridObjectNames(String objectType, Constraint constraint)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 String[] ClientAgent.getGridObjectNames(String objectType, Constraint constraint, String[] rankBy)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 String[] ClientAgent.getGridObjectNames(String objectType, String constraintStr)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 String[] ClientAgent.getGridObjectNames(String objectType, String constraintStr, String[] rankBy)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 GridObjectInfo[] ClientAgent.getGridObjects(String objectType, Constraint constraint, boolean detail)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 GridObjectInfo[] ClientAgent.getGridObjects(String objectType, Constraint constraint, boolean detail, String[] rankBy)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 GridObjectInfo[] ClientAgent.getGridObjects(String objectType, String constraintStr, boolean detail)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 GridObjectInfo[] ClientAgent.getGridObjects(String objectType, String constraintStr, boolean detail, String[] rankBy)
          Return a list of the names of all matching grid objects of the requested type that match the constraints.
 JobInfo ClientAgent.getJobInfo(String jobName)
 void ClientAgent.getMessages(String jobID)
          Inform server that this client is interested in receiving messages for a givenJob instance ID.
 WorkflowInfo[] ClientAgent.getRunningJobs(boolean allJobs, boolean activeOnly, String parentWorkflowId, long submitTime, int maxCount, boolean detail)
          Get a array of job information for currently running jobs.
 int ClientAgent.getStatus(String jobID)
          Get a simple status of the job.
 WorkflowInfo ClientAgent.getStatusDetail(String jobID, boolean includeJoblets)
          Get detailed status information of the started job.
 void ClientAgent.login()
          Login using the last (cached) credentials stored on host.
 void ClientAgent.login(Credential credential)
          Login to a server using supplied credentials.
 void ClientAgent.logout()
          Logout an agent.
 void ClientAgent.logoutAndDestroyCredential()
          Logout an agent and removed any cached credentials from the host.
 void ClientAgent.mkdir(String dir, boolean parents)
          Create directories in the datagrid.
 void ClientAgent.move(String src, String dest)
          Move files or directories in the datagrid
 void ClientAgent.pauseJob(String jobID)
          Pause the referenced job.
 void ClientAgent.resumeJob(String jobID)
          Resume the referenced job.
 String ClientAgent.runJob(String deployedJobName, Map params)
          Runs the named job.
 String ClientAgent.runJob(String deployedJobName, String jobInstanceName, Map jobArgs, int priority, long startTime, Map env, String policyText, String policyName, TypedConstraint constraint, boolean tracing)
          Runs the named job.
 void ClientAgent.sendEvent(String jobID, String name, Map params)
          Send a custom event to a running job instance.
 void ClientAgent.setFact(String gridObjectType, String gridObjectName, String factName, int factType, Object value)
          Set the value of the fact for a given grid object name and type.
 void ClientAgent.shutdown()
          Shutdown an agent.
 void ClientAgent.stopMessages(String jobID)
          Cancel a previous getMessages request.
 void ClientAgent.uploadEnv(Map envMap)
          Update the persisted user environment on the server.

Uses of GridException in com.novell.zos.toolkit

Methods in com.novell.zos.toolkit that throw GridException
static ClientAgent ClientAgentFactory.newCachedClientAgent()
          Create an instance of a cached ClientAgent used to communicate with the server.
static Credential CredentialFactory.newPasswordCredential(String user, char[] passwd)
          Create a Credential to use for authentication to the server.

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