9.1 Available Reports

The Novell-defined report forms included in this release of ConsoleOne are described below. Only the core report forms that ship with ConsoleOne are described. For descriptions of report forms provided by other products (such as ZENworks™), see the documentation for those products. Before you can generate reports using Novell-defined report catalogs, you must complete the setup described in Section 9.2, Setting Up Reporting.

Some reports forms include one or more subreports. You can ignore these—they are a by-product of the report design. In ConsoleOne lists, subreport names appear in all lowercase.

In This Section

9.1.1 eDirectory General Object Reports

This report catalog contains report forms that let you generate reports on the NetWare servers, print servers, and printers in your eDirectory tree. The following table describes the general object reports:


Information Provided for Each Object

NetWare File Servers

NetWare server name, status, network address, operating system version, eDirectory version, list of operators.

Print Servers

Print server name, list of printers serviced by the print server, status of each printer, print queues used by the print server.


Printer name, print server that services the printer, list of print queues used by the printer.

9.1.2 eDirectory User Security Reports

This report catalog contains report forms that let you generate reports on eDirectory login and rights security for the users in your eDirectory tree. The following table describes the user security reports:


Information Provided for Each Object

Disabled User Accounts

Name of disabled user account, other (unofficial) names of the user, status of the account—either disabled or expired (expiration date and time).

Users Locked by Intruder Detection

Username, whether the user account is locked due to intruder detection, network address from which login was attempted, number of failed login attempts, date and time the account will be unlocked if it's currently locked.

Security Equivalence

Username, list of objects that the user is explicitly security equivalent to (implicit or automatic security equivalences are not listed).

Template Security Settings

Template object name, security settings that will be applied to each new User object that is created from the template, including:

  • Login password requirements

  • Whether login is initially disabled

  • Login expiration date and time

  • Maximum number of concurrent login sessions allowed

  • Restrictions on the times when the user can be logged in

  • Group memberships

  • Objects that the user is explicitly security equivalent to

  • Trustees of the User object and their assigned rights

  • The user's assigned rights to his or her own User object

  • The user's assigned rights to other eDirectory objects

  • The user's assigned rights to files and folders on NetWare volumes

Trustee Assignments

Name of resource (eDirectory object) that the trustee assignment controls access to, list of trustees (objects holding rights to the resource) and their assigned rights.

User Password Requirements

Username, other (unofficial) names for the user, whether a login password is required, whether the user can change his or her own password, minimum password length, whether the last eight passwords must be unique, maximum number of days a password can be used, number of grace logins allowed, number of grace logins remaining, password expiration date and time.

Users Not Logged In

Name of user who hasn't logged in for at least 90 days, other (unofficial) names for the user, last login date and time.

Users with Expired Passwords

Name of user whose password has expired, other (unofficial) names for the user, password expiration date and time, last login date and time.

Users with Multiple Workstation Logins

Name of user who is logged in from multiple workstations, other (unofficial) names for the user, number of workstations the user is logged in from, network addresses of the workstations.

9.1.3 eDirectory User and Group Reports

This report catalog contains report forms that let you generate reports on the users, groups, and organizational roles in your eDirectory tree. The following table describes user and group reports:


Information Provided for Each Object

User Contact List

Username, first name, last name, telephone number, Internet e-mail address, postal address

Duplicate Common User Names

Name of duplicate user, number of users so named, first and last name of each user, context of each user

Group Membership

Group name, general information about the group (owner, description, location, department, and organization), list of members of the group

Organizational Roles

Organizational role name, description, list of occupants, list of other objects that are explicitly security equivalent to the organizational role

User Information

Username, first name, last name, employee ID, description, location, department

User Login Scripts

Username, other (unofficial) names for the user, description of the user, content of the user's login script