1.1 What Is the Mobility Connector?

The Novell Data Synchronizer Connector for Mobility transfers user data between GroupWise and mobile devices through a Synchronizer system. It is provided as a component in the Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack, which consists of Data Synchronizer, the GroupWise Connector, and the Mobility Connector.

1.1.1 Mobility Connector Capabilities

The Mobility Connector is one of several connectors that synchronize user data through a Synchronizer system in a hub-and-spoke configuration that allows any of the following applications to synchronize data with mobile devices:

For instructions about using your mobile device to synchronize GroupWise data through the Mobility Connector, see the Mobility Connector Quick Start.

For more general information, see Data Synchronizer vs. the Mobility Pack in Mobility Pack Product Overview in the Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack Installation Guide.

1.1.2 Mobility Connector Components

The Mobility Connector consists of the following components:

Connector Software

When you install the Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack, the Mobility Connector software is installed within the Synchronizer software directory structure:


The Mobility Connector interacts with the Synchronizer system through the Synchronizer Connector Manager, which connects it to the Sync Engine.

The Mobility Connector performs the following functions:

  • Converting application-neutral formatted data received by the Sync Engine from other applications into a format for mobile devices

  • Converting mobile device formatted data into application-neutral formatted data for use by the Sync Engine.

You manage the Mobility Connector through Synchronizer Web Admin, as described in Synchronizer Web Admin in the Novell Data Synchronizer System Administration Guide.

Connector Database

The Mobility Connector uses its own database named mobility, in addition to the standard Synchronizer database named datasync. The Mobility Connector database contains mobile device settings and images that are not needed by other connectors. It is used for caching user data when the connection to mobile devices is not available.

1.1.3 Mobility Connector Configurations

As described in Data Synchronizer Configurations in Mobility Pack Product Overview in the Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack Installation Guide, you might need to set up multiple Synchronizer servers for a variety of reasons. For the Mobility Connector, the most critical reason is quality of service. For example, you might want to set up a separate Synchronizer system with a Mobility Connector specifically for executives in your organization or for other high-profile mobile device users where timely data synchronization is crucial for a specific set of users.