18.0 Version Control

Designer’s version control enables you to do the following:

Designer supports the Subversion version control system. All Subversion versions through version 1.5.x are supported. Subversion is a stable open source product that is available for no cost and is released under the Apache license. For information on Subversion, see Tigris.org. You can also find some pertinent information about Subversion working with version control in Designer at Section E.0, Version Control with Subversion and Identity Manager Designer, as well as Section 18.6, Version Control Best Practices.

Version control allows teams to work together across continents or just across the hallway, in groups or as a single user. The Version Control view gives you information about changes that your teammates are making in real time. The version control framework allows you to update, merge, and resolve conflicts with your teammates. If you are a single user, version control allows you to make backups, restore older versions, and have the freedom to explore project changes without risking data.

With version control, you can manage the history of your project, and you can go back to a previous revision and create tagged revisions for better release management. Anyone with permission can access these revisions. The Compare Revisions feature allows you to easily scan the history of your project, find relevant changes, and resolve project issues.

Version control functionality is available for all Identity Manager objects as well as for the contents of the Documents and Toolbox folders. Version control is not available for Novell Analyzer when Analyzer is integrated with Designer.