If you have added a new server (right-click the Identity Vault and select
), you might need to migrate the server data from an existing driver set to the new server. You can do this in one of three ways: migrate the driver set to a new server in the same tree, migrate the driver set to a server in a different tree, or migrate server data for a single driver. After the server data is migrated, you must redeploy the driver set to the new server in order for the server to become active.Use the Server Migration Wizard to migrate server-specific data in an existing driver set to a new server. The Server Migration Wizard copies the following server-specific information for the driver set and associated drivers:
Global configuration values (GCVs)
Engine control values (ECVs)
Named passwords
Driver authentication information
Driver startup option
Driver parameters
From the Outline view, right-click the server with the associated driver set you want to migrate, then select
.The Server Migration overview page explains that you are migrating a driver set from its source server to a target server along with its server-specific data.
.On the Select Target Server page, select the server targeted for driver set migration and select
.The Target Server list shows only servers that are not presently associated with any driver set and have an Identity Manager version that is equal to or newer than the source server.
In the Driver Startup Option Settings page, select the server that you want to be active.
The default selection is
. This option copies the current driver startup settings from the source server to the target server and disables all of the drivers on the source server.The
option copies the current driver startup settings from the source server to the target server and then disables the drivers on the target server.The
option copies the current driver startup settings from the source server to the target server and does not disable any drivers on either server. This option is not recommended; having all service queues active on both servers causes the servers to run the same tasks, which can produce unpredictable behavior.Settings in the Driver Startup Option Settings page only affect the DirXML-DriverStartOption attribute on drivers and not the migration of other server data. You can also set the driver startup options on the driver’s
tab. Driver startup options are , , and .Select
.The wizard copies the server-specific information for the driver set and associated drivers to the target server while displaying a progress bar. When the migration completes, you see The server has been successfully migrated!
to close the Server Migration Wizard.After the wizard closes, right-click the driver set object in the Outline view and select
.If necessary, fill in any needed information in the Identity Vault Credentials window to authenticate to the Identity Vault, then click
.You see the Operation In Progress window, followed by the Deployment Summary page, which shows what is being deployed to the Identity Vault.
.If you see errors on the Deployment Results page, click the error to see a summary of the cause and possible solutions. Click
to close.For this procedure, assume that you have created a new tree and server, but you want to use an existing driver set.
Right-click the Identity Vault in the Modeler or Outline view and select
.In the Configuration section, edit the
, , and entries to connect to the new tree, then click .Right-click the driver set in the Modeler or Outline view and select
.In the General section, edit the
to reflect the container where you want to store the driver set. Type the name of the correct container or use the Browse button to find the new container, then click .Right-click the server object in the Outline view and select
.Under the
section, edit the and entries to match the server in the new tree, then click .Redeploy the driver set to the new server by right-clicking the driver set object in the Modeler or Outline view and selecting
.You see the Operation In Progress window, followed by the Deployment Summary page, which shows what is being deployed to the new Identity Vault.
.If you see errors on the Deployment Results page, click the error to see a summary of the cause and possible solutions. Otherwise, click
to close. All server-specific data for the driver set is copied to the new server on the new tree.Although using the Server Migration Wizard is the preferred method, you can also migrate server data for a single driver in the driver set. You can either perform this action for each driver in the driver set, or use the Server Migration Wizard as described in Section 17.2.1, Using the Server Migration Wizard To Migrate the Driver Set.
Right-click a driver in the Outline view and select
.In the Copy Server Data from Driver.Driver Set window, select the source server. This is the server whose data is copied to the selected targets.
Under the
entry, select the target driver or drivers on the target server that you want to copy to. This example selects the Active Directory driver as the target driver on the Terabyte5.novell target server.IMPORTANT:Some server data is specific to a driver type, while some data, like the driver startup option, is not. Know what you want to accomplish before copying one driver’s server data to other driver types. Otherwise, drivers on the target server might behave eratically or fail.
In the
section, select the data you want to copy to the target server. The copied data includes:Global configuration values (GCVs)
Named passwords
Driver authentication information
Driver startup option
Driver parameters
After you select the data, click
, then click at the Complete window.You must perform this action for each driver in the driver set, or use the Server Migration Wizard.