13.4 Editing and Viewing Entitlements

After you have created entitlements, you might need to edit them. You can also use the Edit mode to see the entitlements in their XML source code.

To edit an entitlement:

  1. From the Outline view, right-click an entitlement that appears under the Subscriber channel of the selected driver, then click Edit.


    Double-click the entitlement icon to bring up the entitlement in the Entitlement Editor.

    You can also right-click the driver icon in the Modeler view, then select Edit Entitlements.

  2. If you have more than one entitlement for the selected driver, you see the Edit Entitlements windows listing the available entitlements. Select an entitlement, then click OK. The entitlement appears in the Entitlement Editor.

    Editing entitlements

    The Entitlement Editor view shows you all of the pages and choices that you see in the Entitlement Wizard, but the information is on one page.

    • Entitlement Editor: Displays the full DN name for the entitlement. If there is a conflict with the entitlement name or some other error, you see a red icon to the left of the Entitlement Editor name, followed by an error message.

    • Name and Description: Allows you to edit the name, the display name, and the description that you have given to this entitlement.

    • Multi-Value: Allows you to select if you want an entitlement to be assigned multiple times.

    • Role-Based Entitlements: Allows you to select conflict resolution for Role-Based Entitlements. If you do not select Role-Based Entitlements, the Role-based entitlements with priority button is the default.

    • Values: Allows you to define how values are defined: no values, administrator defined values, or values from an application.

    The information that appears in the Entitlement Editor depends on what you initially defined in the entitlement. If you choose to edit a valueless entitlement, the Values heading displays No Values. If you are editing a valued entitlement and you want to add values to a list, type the value in the Value field and click Add. If you want to remove a value, select the value in the Values list and click Remove.

    If you don’t want to select from a list, select Administrator Defined Values under the Values heading and leave the Values list blank. This gives you a blank text box in iManager or in the user application, and you can fill in the value there.

  3. When you have made your changes to the entitlement, click the Save icon in the upper left corner of Designer, or click the X on the entitlement’s tab to display a Save Resource window, allowing you to save changes (Yes/No/Cancel).

13.4.1 Entitlement XML Source and XML Tree Views

To view the entitlement in XML source code:

  1. From the Outline view, right-click an entitlement that appears under the Subscriber channel of the selected driver, then click Edit.


    Double-click the entitlement icon to bring up the entitlement in the Entitlement Editor.

    You can also right-click the driver icon in the Modeler view, then select Edit Entitlements.

  2. To see the XML Source view, click XML Source at the bottom of the Entitlement Editor view.

    The XML Source view shows the XML code in a formatted state.

    XML Source view with menu selections

    The upper right corner of the XML Source view has the following selections:



    Expand All

    Allows you to see all items under the item that you have selected.

    Collapse All

    Allows you to collapse all items that you have selected.

    Attach XML Catalog Entry, XML Schema, or DTD

    Allows you to attach an XML Catalog entry, an XML schema file, or a DTD (Document Type Definition) file. For default Windows installation, the DTD for entitlements is found under C:\Program Files\Novell\Designer\eclipse\plugins\com.novell.designer.idm.entitlements_1.1.0\DTD\dirxmlentitlements.dtd.

    Copy XML to Clipboard

    Allows you to copy highlighted XML code to the clipboard. This action removes the DOCTYPE element.

    Find/Replace (Ctrl+F)

    Ctrl+F brings up the Find/Replace window, which allows you to query text, structure, and XPath searches in a forward or a backward direction. Other options include case sensitive, wrap search, whole word, incremental, and regular expressions search capabilities.


    Opens the Help view to the right of the XML Source view.

    Right-clicking in the XML Source view brings up the following options:

    • Undo Text Change (Ctrl+Z)

    • Revert File

    • Save

    • Cut (Ctrl+X)

    • Copy (Ctrl+C)

    • Paste (Ctrl+V)

    • Format the document or active elements

    • Clear Validation Errors

    • Validate

    • Preferences

  3. To see the XML Tree view, click XML Tree at the bottom of the Entitlement Editor view.

    The XML Tree view is a tree control view of the XML source code. You can perform the same edits in this view as you can in the Entitlement Editor view or the XML Source view. To view the entitlement in XML Tree view, select XML Tree at the bottom of the Entitlement Editor view.

    The XML Tree view

    The upper right corner of the XML Tree view menu contains the following selections:



    Expand All

    Allows you to see all items under the item that you have selected.

    Collapse All

    Allows you to collapse all items that you have selected.

    Attach XML Catalog Entry, XML Schema, or DTD

    Allows you to attach an XML Catalog entry, an XML schema file, or a DTD (Document Type Definition) file. For default Windows installation, the DTD for entitlements is found under C:\Program Files\Novell\Designer\eclipse\plugins\com.novell.designer.idm.entitlements_1.1.0\DTD\dirxmlentitlements.dtd.

    Find/Replace (Ctrl+F)

    Brings up the Find/Replace window, which allows you to query text, structure, and XPath searches in a forward or a backward direction. Other options include case sensitive, wrap search, whole word, incremental, and regular expressions search capabilities.


    Opens the Help view to the right of the XML Tree view.

    Right-clicking in the XML Tree view can bring up a number of different options. For example, right-clicking the highlighted value on the right side presents the following options:

    • Undo

    • Cut

    • Copy

    • Paste

    • Delete

    • Select All

    Right-clicking an attribute on the left side in the XML Tree view presents the following options:

    • Remove

    • Edit the Selected Attribute

    • Replace with a value

    Depending on what you select on the left side in the XML Tree view, you see different options. For example, right-clicking an element presents the following options:

    • Remove Element

    • Add New Attribute

    • Add to a Child Element a Comment, a Processing Instruction, a PCDATA, a CDATA Section, a new Element

    • Add Before a Comment, a Processing Instruction, a PCDATA, a CDATA Section, a new Element

    • Add After a Comment, a Processing Instruction, a PCDATA, a CDATA Section, a new Element

13.4.2 Using the Novell Entitlement DTD

Some entitlements come predefined on drivers that have entitlements enabled. (For a list of these drivers with predefined entitlements see Section 13.2.3, Identity Manager Drivers with Preconfigurations that Support Entitlements.) You can use these entitlements or you can create your own entitlements in iManager or Designer. To help you create your own entitlements, you can use the Novell Entitlement DTD as an example to create entitlements. For an example of the Novell Entitlement DTD and an explanation of its functionality, see the Writing Entitlements in XML section of the Identity Manager 3.6 Entitlements Guide.