B.5 BCC XML Tags

This section describes the types of files that are loaded in the _ADMIN:\Novell\Cluster directory when BCCVFS.NLM is installed:

B.5.1 BCC *.cmd Files

The .cmd command files actually manage the BCC. Management commands are written to this file using well-defined XML instructions described later in this document. Results are then read from this file using the same XML methods. Following NSS conventions, these commands must be written to a named datastream. For more information about methods to manage NSS using standard file system functions, see NDK: Virtual File Services.

“command” is the name of the datastream that all BCC management commands use. The datastream to use must be identified before a management command can be written to the file. This can be accomplished by writing the following XML statement to the file when it is first opened:

 <virtualIO><datastream name="command"></virtualIO>

Each function contains XML request (<bccRequest>) and reply (<bccReply>) information as defined in Section A.3, Cluster Management Files.

B.5.2 BCC *.xml Files

The .xml files are read-only and return run-time information about the BCC. The data in the .xml files cannot be changed.

B.5.3 BCC Readme

Following NSS conventions, there is a BCC_Reame.txt file that identifies the purpose for each file created by BCCVFS.NLM in the _ADMIN:\Novell\Cluster directory. Because both NCS and BCC use the _ADMIN:\Novell\Cluster directory, there might be multiple Readme files available.