7.5 Specifying a Template

After the Servlet and provider have finished performing the action, the results will be merged with a template to produce the final document that is ultimately sent back to the browser or HTTP client.

For more information, see the following topics:

The default template is login.htt, which is located in the directory specified by the Templates.path setting and the Templates.interface (or User.interface if it was specified).

7.5.1 Specifying the Template If an Error Occurs

  • To specify a template to be used in case an error occurs, supply the error parameter along with the name of the template to use (without the .htt extension).

    For example, . . .&merge=file&error=errfile&. . ..

7.5.2 Adjusting the Cache Size

If you are adding new templates, you may want to adjust the size of the cache.

  • To determine the cache size you need, set Log.level to verbose, set Templates.Cache.enable to true, and run the servlet.

    Each time a template is compiled and added to the cache, a message will indicate how much cache space is in use.