1.4 Searching the Directory

Searching is performed using the LDAPConnection.search methods. When you perform an LDAP search, you need to specify the following five basic parameters:

Table 1-4 Basic Parameters for LDAP Search

Search Base

The dn of the entry where you would like the search to begin. An empty string equals root.

Search Scope

How deep you would like the search to extend down the tree.

Search Filter

Defines which entries are to be returned.

Attribute List

A null-terminated array of strings indicating which attributes to return for each matching entry.

Types Only

A Boolean specifying whether you would like to return only the attribute names or the attribute types and the attribute values.

Search Base

The search base parameter specifies the DN of the entry where you would like to begin the search, such as ou=development,o=acme.

If you would like the search to begin at the tree root pass an empty String.

NOTE:Beginning a search at the tree root is handled differently by the various LDAP server implementations. If your search doesn't return results, read the root DSE to retrieve valid naming contexts for a valid starting point.

Search Scope

The search scope parameter specifies the depth of the search and can be one of four values:

Search Filter

The search filter defines the entries that will be returned by the search. If you are looking for all employees with a title of engineer, the search filter would be (title=engineer).

See Search Filters for detailed information on constructing filters.

Attribute List

This list specifies the attributes you want returned from any found entry. By default, all attributes are returned. If you would like only the e-mail address of the entries that match your search filter, you would specify email address. To return all attributes, specify null.

NOTE:Note that operational attributes are not automatically returned by a search. You must specify any operational attributes you wish to be returned by passing them as part of the attribute list.

If you would like to return all attributes of an entry and some operational attributes, you would pass either * or ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES with the names of the operational attributes you would like returned. When passed to a search as the attribute list parameter, the following String would return all attributes and the creatorsName operational attribute:

 String[] attrList = new String[]{"*", "creatorsName"}

Types Only

This specifies whether you would like to return the attributes specified by the attribute list, or the attributes and their values (specifying FALSE for the typesOnly parameter returns the attributes and their values).

1.4.1 Synchronous Searching

The synchronous search methods return an LDAPSearchResults object, which is an enumeration of LDAPEntry objects. The next method is used to retrieve the entries and attributes from an LDAPSearchResults object.

The following is an example of a synchronous search:

 String searchBase = "ou=development,o=acme";
 int searchScope = LDAPConnection.SCOPE_BASE;
 String searchFilter = "(title=engineer)";
 LDAPSearchResults searchResults =
    lc.search( searchBase,

This search returns all entries with a title of engineer in the development Organizational Unit, from the acme Organization.

Note that certain pieces of the following example are left out for brevity (such as error handling and some closing brackets). See search.java in the Sample Code for a complete example.

 while (searchResults.hasMore()) {
   LDAPEntry nextEntry = null
   nextEntry = searchResults.next();
   System.out.println("\n We found "+nextEntry.getDN());

Next we will set up a second while loop to display this entry's attributes:

 LDAPAttributeSet attributeSet = nextEntry.getAttributeSet();
 Enumeration allAttributes = attributeSet.getAttributes();
 while(allAttributes.hasMore()) {
   LDAPAttribute attribute = 
   String attributeName = attribute.getName();
   System.out.println("\t\t"+ attributeName);

Finally we will set up the third while loop to display the values of the found attribute. Note that this code assumes that the attribute values can be displayed as strings:

 Enumeration allValues = attribute.getStringValues();
 if(allValues!= null) {
   while(allValues.hasMore()) {
     String Value = (String) allValues.nextElement();
     System.out.println("\t\t\t" + Value);

1.4.2 Asynchronous Searching

Asynchronous searches return LDAPSearchListener objects which are checked by the application for LDAPMessages.

The following is an example of an asynchronous search:

 String searchBase = "ou=development,o=acme";
 int searchScope = LDAPConnection.SCOPE_BASE;
 String searchFilter = "(title=engineer)";
 LDAPSearchListener listener =

Note that instead of returning an LDAPSearchResults object the asynchronous search methods return an LDAPSearchListener. This listener is checked by the application for LDAPMessages:

 LDAPMessage message;
 while ((message = listener.getResponse())!= null) {

The LDAPMessage will be one of the following three types:

  • LDAPSearchResult: An entry returned by your search.

  • LDAPSearchResultReference: A continuation reference (referral) to continue your search.

  • LDAPResponse: A response indicating that the search is completed. If this is SUCCESS, the search completed successfully. If the result code is REFERRAL, you receive a list of URL strings. (The LDAPResponse result codes are documented in the LDAPException object in the JavaDoc).

In your code you must determine the message type and handle it appropriately. This is done using instanceof:

 if (message instanceof LDAPSearchResultReference) {

When the message type has been determined you can handle the response appropriately. For a complete example of an asynchronous search see searchas.java in the Sample Code.

1.4.3 Search Filters

The LDAP search filter grammar is specified in RFC 2254 and 2251. The grammar uses ABNF notation.

 filter = " (" filtercomp ") "
 filtercomp = and / or / not / item
 and = "&" filterlist
    filterlist = 1*filter
 or = "|" filterlist
    filterlist = 1*filter
 not = "!" filterlist
    filterlist = 1*filter
 item = simple / present / substring / extensible
 simple = attr filtertype value
    attr = name | name;binary
    filtertype = equal / approx / greater / less
    value = data valid for the attribute's syntax
 equal = "="
 approx = "~="
 greater = ">="
 less = "<="
 present = attr "=*"
    attr = name | name;binary
 substing = attr "=" [initial] any [final]
    attr = name | name;binary
    initial = value
    any = "*" *(value "*")
    final = value
 extensible = attr [":dn"] [":" matchingrule] ":="value
             / [":dn] ":" matchingrule ":=" value
             / matchingrule = name | OID

For additional options for the attr option, see Section 4.1.5 of RFC 2251.

For additional information on the value option, see Section 4.1.6 of RFC 2251.

IMPORTANT:Novell eDirectory does not support LDAP approximate (~=) matching or extensible matching rules.


Table 1-5 LDAP Filter Operators




Used for presence and equality matching. To test if an attribute exists in the directory, use (attributename=*). All entries that have the specified attribute will be returned. To test for equality, use attributename=value. All entries that have attributename=value are returned.

For example, (cn=Kim Smith) would return entries with Kim Smith as the common name attribute. (cn=*) would return all entries that contained a cn attribute. The = operator can also be used with wildcards to find a substring, (cn=*ary*) would return mary, hillary, and gary.


Used to return attributes that are greater than or equal to the specified value. For this to work, the matching rule defined by the attribute syntax must have defined a mechanism to make this comparison.

For example, (cn>=Kim Smith) would return all entries from Kim Smith to Z.


Used to return attributes that are less than or equal to the specified value. For this to work, the matching rule defined by the attribute syntax must have defined a mechanism to make this comparison.

For example, (cn<=Kim Smith) would return all entries from A to Kim Smith.


Used for approximate matching. The algorithm used for approximate matching varies with different LDAP implementations.

The following Boolean operators can be combined with the standard operators to form more complex filters. Note that the Boolean operator syntax used is different in search filters than in the C and Java programming languages, but they are conceptually similar.

Table 1-6 LDAP Filter Boolean Operators

Boolean Operators



And. For example, (&amp;(cn=Kim Smith) (telephonenumber=555-5555)) would return entries with common name of Kim Smith and a telephone number of 555-5555.


Or. For example, (|(cn=Kim Smith)(cn=Kimberly Smith)) would return entries with common name Kim Smith or Kimberly Smith.


Not. For example, (!(cn=Kim Smith) would return entries with any cn other than Kim Smith. Note that the ! operator is unary, i.e. operates only on a single filter expression.


Filter and Description

(cn = Kim Smith)

Returns entries with a common name of Kim Smith.

(&amp;(cn=Kim Smith)(telephonenumber=555*)(emailaddress=*acme.com))

Returns entries with a common name of Kim Smith, a telephone number that starts with 555, and an e-mail address that ends in acme.com

(!(cn = Chris Jones))

Returns entries that do not have a common name of Chris Jones.

(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson) (| (sn=Smith) (cn=Chris S*) ) )

Returns entries that are of type inetOrgPerson with a surname of Smith or a common name beginning with Chris S.


Returns entries that are of type Country from the organization Acme, that are not countries spain or us.

1.4.4 Operational Attributes

Operational attributes are not automatically returned in search results; they must be requested by name in the search operation. For a list of supported operational attributes in Novell eDirectory 8.5, see LDAP Operational Attributes in the LDAP and eDirectory Integration Guide. The LDAP servers in releases previous to 8.5 do not support requesting operational attributes in a search operation.