
Causes the NLM to automatically unload when the specified NLM is unloaded.

Classification:NetWare OS
Service:NetWare Platform


  #include <netware.h> 
  int   SetAutoUnloadFlag (
     void   *NLMHandle);



(IN) Points to the handle of the NLM application that triggers the unload.

Return Values

If successful, returns 0.


The SetAutoUnloadFlag function causes an auto unload flag to be set for the calling NLM. This flag causes the NLM to be unloaded when the NLM specified in the NLMHandle parameter is unloaded. The flag is ignored if the calling NLM is not referencing the specified NLM or if the calling NLM is being referenced by another NLM. An NLM is marked as referencing another NLM when it imports an object from that NLM (see ImportPublicObject).

The auto unload flag can be set with this function or at link time.