
Returns the value of a NetWare settable parameter.

Classification:NetWare OS
Service:NetWare Platform


  #include <netware.h> 
  int GetSettableParameterValue (
     int           slot,
     const char   *name,
     void         *value);



(IN) Specifies the connection slot of the user who wants to view server settable parameters. For an NLM, set this to 0.


(IN) Points to a null-terminated ASCIIZ string representing the name of the server settable parameter. This string is case insensitive but must contain the exact wording of the parameter.


(OUT) Points to the value of the server settable parameter. This buffer must be large enough to handle the data returned for the settable parameter. If the data returned is a string, allocate at least 80 bytes. If it is an integer, allocate at least four bytes.

Return Values

If successful, returns 0. Otherwise, returns -1.


A settable parameter is a NetWare OS parameter that can be set using the SET console command. The caller must authenticate and have sufficient rights to view the settable parameters.

The GetSettableParameter is actually a macro for GetSetableParameter, which is the name that appears in the NetWare debugger.

See Also


  A snippet of code from my time/setparms.c
  #define DAYLIGHT_START  "Start of Daylight Savings Time"
  #define DAYLIGHT_END    "End of Daylight Savings Time"
  . . .
  int GetTimeZoneRulesFromSettableParameters
     struct tzdata  *tz
     char  buffer[256];
     // --------------------- Start Time ---------------------
     if (GetSettableParameterValue(0, DAYLIGHT_START, buffer))
        return -1;
     if (*buffer)
        int   i;
        for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sSetParmRules) / sizeof(syn_direct); i++)
           struct tzrule  tzr = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
           if (ParseParamString(buffer, &sSetParmRules[i][0], &tzr) == 0)
              tz->tz_rule[0] = tzr;
     // --------------------- Stop Time ----------------------
     GetSettableParameterValue(0, DAYLIGHT_END, buffer);
     if (*buffer)
        int   i;
        for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sSetParmRules) / sizeof(syn_direct); i++)
           struct tzrule  tzr = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
           if (ParseParamString(buffer, &sSetParmRules[i][0], &tzr) == 0)
              tz->tz_rule[1] = tzr;
     return 0;