Deprecated API

Deprecated Methods

Returns the context data element.


Returns the enumerative value of the context data element. This enumerative value is used to retrieve the real parameter value from the policy enforcement point.


Returns the name of the context data element.

com.novell.nxpe.NxpeInformationContext.getData(int, String)
com.novell.nxpe.NxpeInformationContext.getData(int, String, int)

Returns the value of the refresh data interval.

com.novell.nxpe.NxpeParameterList.getGroupedParameter(int, int, int)

Retrieves the NxpeGroupedParamter object idenified by the enumerative values.


Retrieves the tracing status for the requested evaluation.

When tracing is enabled, the nxpeResponseContext method addTraceString is initiated for each rule, condition set, condition, and action initiated as part of the evaluation process.


Retrieves the first NxpeGroupedParameter object for the grouped parameter specified by the group enumerative value.

com.novell.nxpe.NxpeParameterList.iterator(int, int)

Returns first NxpeGroupedParameter object for a grouped parameter that is specified by the group enumerative value and the choice enumerative value.

com.novell.nxpe.NxpeInformationContext.parameterIsTracable(int, String)

Determines if the parameter can be written to the policy trace log.

com.novell.nxpe.NxpeInformationContext.valueIsTracable(int, String)

Determines if the value can be written to the policy trace log.


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