
Accepts a PKCS #10 CSR from an external source and sends the request to caServerDN, which then creates and returns an X.509 certificate (formerly NWPKIGenerateCertificateFromCSR).


    #include "npki.h"
    nuint32 NPKIGenerateCertificateFromCSR(
       const NPKIContext              context,
       const unicode                 *caServerDN, 
       const pnuint8                  extCSR, 
       const nuint32                  extCSRSize, 
       const unicode                 *subjectDN,
       const nuint32                  signatureAlgorithm,
       const nuint32                  dateFlags,
       const nuint32                  validFrom,
       const nuint32                  validTo,
       const NPKI_Extension          *keyUsage,
       const NPKI_Extension          *basicConstraints, 
       const NPKI_ExtAltNames        *altNames,
       const NPKI_Extension          *NovellAttr,
       const NPKI_ASN1_Extensions    *extensions,
       void                          *reserved1,
       void                          *reserved2); 


(IN) Specifies the NPKI context for the request.
(IN) Specifies the FDN of the server that hosts the CA. This must be a valid eDirectory server in the current tree.
(IN) Specifies the PKCS #10 CSR that is to be sent to the CA to create the X.509 certificate.
(IN) Specifies the size of the PKCS #10 CSR.
(IN) Not supported in this release. Points to a subject name to use in the certificate, rather than using the subject name in the CSR. At this time, this parameter is ignored regardless of the value given.
(IN) Not supported in this release. Specifies the signature algorithm to use to sign the certificate, rather than using the signature algorithm in the CSR. Calls NPKIGetServerInfo to determine which signature algorithms are supported. At this time, this parameter is ignored regardless of the value given.
(IN) Specifies whether dates have a two-digit or four-digit year. For this release, set to DEFAULT_YEAR_ENCODING.
(IN) Specifies the beginning of the period of validity, represented as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC Jan 1, 1970, or 0xFFFFFFFF to represent the current time on the server.
(IN) Specifies the end of the period of validity, represented as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 UTC Jan 1, 1970, or 0xFFFFFFFF to represent the greatest validity period available on the server. You call NPKIGetServerInfo to determine the greatest validity period available on the server.
(IN) Specifies the X.509 key usage extension. For more information, see Section 4.16, X.509 Extensions and Section 4.4, Key Usage Extension. The key usage extension is not included in the certificate if this parameter is NULL.
(IN) Specifies the X.509 basic constraints extension. For more information, see Section 4.16, X.509 Extensions and Section 4.1, Basic Constraints Extension. The basic constraints extension is not included in the certificate if this parameter is NULL.
(IN) Specifies the X.509 subject alternative name extension. For more information, see Section 4.16, X.509 Extensions and Section 5.3, Subject Alternative Names Extension. The subject alternative names extension is not included in the certificate if this parameter is NULL.
(IN) Specifies the Novell Security Attributes extension. For more information, see the Section 4.16, X.509 Extensions and Section 4.5, Novell Security Attributes Extension. If this parameter is NULL, the default Novell Security Attributes extension for a key pair is created outside of the system.
(IN) Specifies any generic ASN.1 encoded extensions you want to add to the certificate. For more information, see Section 4.16, X.509 Extensions and General Purpose Extension Structure.
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.

Return Values

Returns 0 if successful, or an eDirectory, NICI, or PKI error code if not successful.


0x2222 93 04 Sign Certificate


After a successful call, the resulting certificate and its size can be obtained by calling NPKICertInfo. The newly-created certificate is not stored in eDirectory.

See Also

NPKICertInfo, NPKIFindOrganizationalCA, NPKIGetServerInfo