
Provides classes for accessing Novell's patented SecretStore.


Interface Summary
SSInfo Interface that contains Novell SecretStore constants.

Class Summary
Secret An abstract class that represents a secret in SecretStore.
SecretStore An abstract class that represents a SecretStore.
SharedEntry Class that represents an entry in a shared secret.
SharedSecret A class that represents a shared secret.
SSPermission Permission class for Novell SecretStore(TM).

Exception Summary
SSException Exception class used to indicate that an error concerning SecretStore has occurred.

Package Description

Provides classes for accessing Novell's patented SecretStore.

The SecretStore class represents an object's SecretStore and the Secret class represents secrets in the that SecretStore. The SharedSecret class represents a secret that conforms to the shared secret format. The SharedEntry class represents an entry in a shared secret. The SSException class is used for SecretStore exception handling. The SSPermission class is used to restrict access to SecretStore.

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