3.1 Application Class

The application class maintains all application objects. The type of the application suggests the intent of the application and, in some cases, defines a set of operations, accessible through the application object itself, that the application is expected to support.

For a list of application types, see Application Types.

Currently, only the MM_FILE_SYSTEM_APPLICATION and MM_HUMAN_JUKEBOX_APPLICATION types are expected to support a specific set of operations used in the management of file systems. These operations are defined in File System Application Operations.

This section covers the following topics:

3.1.1 Application Registration

An application must register with the Media Manager before it can utilize other objects in the Media Manager database.

An application is registered by completing the ApplicationRegistrationDef structure and calling MM_RegisterObject.

  ccode = MM_RegisterObject(&appObjectHandle, 
     MM_APPLICATION_CLASS, &appRegistrationDef, NULL, 

The fourth parameter is NULL only for the registration of application objects (an example of the classic chicken and egg paradox).

Unregistering an application is accomplished by calling MM_UnregisterObject.

3.1.2 Application Generic Information

An application's generic information can be obtained by calling MM_ReturnObjectGenericInfo. The ApplicationGenericInfoDef structure is returned for the Application OBID.